Topic: Getting my hands on some of treks crappiest ships-yeager class  (Read 1376 times)

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So now that people have a freedom to carve up in BC, someone brought up a yeager.  Now all I need is a decent yeager model. There's one on staryards, but that's a very old p81 model and I think people later detrmined that's not how the nacelles were attached(I think the guns were removed). Anyone else have/make a yeager around here I could have?  


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Re: Getting my hands on some of treks crappiest ships-yeager class
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2003, 09:27:44 pm »
when you say carve up, I hope you dont mean hack up other peoples work and claim it as your own, or release it without permission.


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Re: Getting my hands on some of treks crappiest ships-yeager class
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2003, 12:02:35 am »

when you say carve up, I hope you dont mean hack up other peoples work and claim it as your own, or release it without permission.  

I mean carve up with enemy fire dumbass. I don't go around promoting theft.