20th Century Technology.
Tomohawk - Long range (2780km) Tatical Missile. Hit chance 99.9%
Laser Guided Bomb - Short Range(1km?) Bomb. Hit Change 80% (increases with skill of pilot or bomber)
CIWS - Short range Defence (500m?) Machine gun. Hit chance 90% (1000 rds/pm = wall of lead to stop incoming projectiles)
Mines - can be set to detonate when certain magnetic shapes enter their range, thus reducing the number of "friendly" casulties
Rifle - As good as the shooter, a good sniper can hit a moving target at 600m+
24th Century Technology
Quantum (all other torps included in this) - Long range (55000km?) Tatical Missile. Hit chance 20%
Point defence? errm, what. we seem to have forgot about that in the 24th Century (could be classed as shields)
Mines - will explode whether or not the target is friendly, lack of Magnetic mines that would stick to enemys hulls(?)
K-Disruptors- Seem to ignore the fact that a computer is calculating the variables, disruptors travel faster than bullets but the computer forgets to "Aim Off" to compensate for movement of target.
Now Ideas for improvement.
Seeking weapons:- Quantums, Photons, Polarons, Plasmas - why aren't they seeking weapons? surley during the next 400 years someone will invent a better guidance system for weapons. Especialy when the target is not moving.
Point Defence:- Where are they? someone must have updated the CIWS to defend againt seeking weapons, shuttles and mines. and if they havent then let us mount CIWS thats got to be better than nothing.
Mines:- Why cant they hit the selected target? or at least not detonate on friendly targets. how about removing those silly rings? since when did mines Tell us where they are?
K-Disruptors:- Why cant the computer make the correct adjustments as to where to fire? Klingon Academy lets you turn off the computer and Aim manualy. I could do a better job at hitting targets than a level 5 Computer.
Just my rants and raves, thought i would share them all with you.
anyone else got any thoughts about all this? or maybe more Flaws in the game?