Whiles't it is true that the Locknar and the NX share the same basic layout, that could be said of almost any of the other Enterprises - the Connie, Excelsior, Ambassador, Galaxy, Sovereign and even the Intrepid all share the same basic layout just becoming more streamlined as the design generations dictate. No one would have complained about the Galaxy looking to similar to the Connie because there is sufficient difference in the actual structure and proportions of the 2 ships to show that they are in fact around 100 years different (2240s to 2340s - Galaxy had like a 20 year development period) The Akira and the Nx share too many design structures and minute details to be considered different designs. It is only the fact that the nacelles swing up instead of down that differentiates the basic structure of the ship from the Akira. Like the aformentioned quad impulse engines in exactly the same positions on the hull, the 'vent' on the front of the raised central structure on the saucer, the 2 minute 'greebles' for lack of a descriptive term on the top of the catamarans, the recessed window bays on the port and starboard of the saucer, the identical placing of a pod (only swung down instead of up) that does not serve the same function, it just has to be there because the Akira had one.
In all honesty I would have preffered if the ship design were to resemble something from TOS - Lord Schtupp's models have shown us that the design aesthetic need not be hideously undetailed and quite frankly the TOS Connie rocked and Kirk would kick Archer's ass any day of the week (then do a double-fisted punch on him for good measure, tearing his shirt in the process

My excuse for Enterprise? They dropped 'Star Trek' from the title, so it's not Star Trek, so it's not canon Star Trek, end of discussion!

:):):):) LOL