Topic: Martok and Borg on Enterprise!? WTF!!!!! (Very mild spoilers)  (Read 13980 times)

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Re: Martok and Borg on Enterprise!? WTF!!!!! (Very mild spoilers)
« Reply #80 on: March 15, 2003, 11:13:03 pm »
Ahh, you want to draw the parallel for Dragonball, eh?

Hows about this?

After the 23rd (22nd?) Budokai, the anime was split off and call a sequel name, Dragonball Z.  It continued on for awhile, through two major story arcs, through Namek.  After Freezer was killed, Akira Toriyama wanted to stop the show, but Toei bribed him off.  So, the show continued on with some crappy filler, the Androids, then Buu.  By this time, the manga had finished its transition to the anime.  Akira Toriyama discontinued the Dragonball series.  However, Toei knew they could still make plenty of money off games and merchandise, and produced Dragonball GT.  Of course, without the creator, this made much less sense than DB and DBZ, and was quite stupid.

In short, some of this should seem similar to you people...


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Re: Martok and Borg on Enterprise!? WTF!!!!! (Very mild spoilers)
« Reply #81 on: March 16, 2003, 07:11:12 am »
Yes well the similarities are quite shocking....

I enjoyed DBZ up until the final buu saga, which frankly stank of lets get this finished, ala Voyager's finalie. Then they moved onto DB GT which is the equivilant of Enterprise, which made me sick to my stomach and stop viewing so much so, that I am now getting rid of Sky Digital, as I have no more need for CNX.

The Kid Buu Sage was so sickening though, seeing Goku and Vegeta prancing around like oversized hyper children. Vegeta was possibly my favourit character in anything, just loved the guys bad ass attitude, but they fked it up just like they are doing to Enterprise in many peoples views.

It sucks to be a fan!

I know I just re-iterated what you said, but eh lol


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Re: Empire Ready for the borg
« Reply #82 on: March 16, 2003, 11:32:37 am »
Actually Shatner does explain why the Empire was ready for the Borg. (i dont know why im commenting on HIS writing but...)

As per standard procedures, (although the movie seems to lack that in some regard) Cochrane and Company's memory of the crew of the NCC-1701-E are supressed, but for some reason Cochrane himself was immune or got a bad dose or what not, and made a decision of whether to tell the Vulcans what happened.  He solved the dilemma by flipping a coin.  In one universe it lands one way and he keeps it to himself, in the other universe it lands the other way and the Vulcans help the humans much faster and  go out in search of the borg.  Like most of Mr. Shatner's writing, it is kinda far fetched and I am glad that it would never be considered cannon.

As for Enterprise itself, the series has been entertaining, but I am expecting a great big reset button at about season 7.  It is the only way to patch up the hole that Berman and Braga tore in the timeline, (just never take anything from TOS as cannon either, they contradicted themselves from eps to eps,  just look at Balance of Terror, and The Deadly Years or The Changeling for that matter)  


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Re: Martok and Borg on Enterprise!? WTF!!!!! (Very mild spoilers)
« Reply #83 on: March 16, 2003, 02:09:10 pm »


 To address the first point, we have no idea to which "first contact" Picard may be talking about. Perhaps the "Broken Bow" incident was supressed in some way in the historical record. Second, well I dont think the Kiinks have been particularly friendly so far on Enterprise.  

How many first contacts can you have with one race?????????


Well this might be a bit late, but here it goes.  the way i see all enterprise has had for first contact with the klinkers is a physical one, meaning all they really know is who they are and what they look like.   That still leaves much room for a diplomatic first contact, which as far as we know hasn't happened.

Just my 2 cents



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Re: Martok and Borg on Enterprise!? WTF!!!!! (Very mild spoilers)
« Reply #84 on: March 17, 2003, 11:43:24 am »

You want your reset button?  Here it is...

The 22nd century Borg finally get here from the Delta quadrant, just after the Earth-Rommie war.  Seeing the new Federation as slightly inferior, they begin diplomatic relations.  22nd century Borg are a bit nicer than 24th century Borg, however they still don't quite understand "NO".  After a long battle where Enterprise chucks slow drone after slow drone at the Borg Spear (yes, S-P-E-A-R, kinda long and pointed, like a rocket) pursuing them, Skip devises a way to turn the warp engines into a temporal vortex by routing all power through the Suliban Cell ship.  The resulting vortex destroys the Spear, but they cannot stop it.  It rapidly expands, destroying Enterprise, the Federation, alpha quadrant, and the entire universe in that timeline.  Other quantum realities go relatively unaffected, however, at the end of the episode we'll see a scene where Guinan has to leave 10-Forward on the Enterprise-D because of a splitting headache.


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Re: Martok and Borg on Enterprise!? WTF!!!!! (Very mild spoilers)
« Reply #85 on: March 19, 2003, 06:05:49 am »
IF they need to break the timeline to tell a darn good story, GO AHEAD.

IF they need to break the timeline to tell a bad story, DON'T.


The problem with ST is, it's huge and unwieldly. It's impossible to do anything without going against something, somewhere. When that is said and done, though, please do leave the core stuff alone, thanks.