I posted this on another thread that I started, but I don't think lots of people will read it so I'm posting here.
Ok, I thought I was getting abit confused abit this whole six enterprise thing, so I have just watched the episode again and heres how it ran
Bridge Defiant - Viewscreens all fuzzy
Miles "I'm picking up another ship"
Sisko "Can you identify it?"
Dax "No, but its close, VERY close"
Miles "Hang on, I've got it"
The viewscreen begins to clear up and its the Enterpirse inall her CGI glory, its kirks enterprise, the one from TOS
DS9 Siskos office Sisko is there and two agents from Temproal Investigations Starfleet are there
Agent one "Which Enterprise Captain? Be spiefic there have been 5"
Aganet two "Six!"
Sisko "Oh, this was the first enterprise - Consitution class"
Agent 1 "AHH. THE SHIP"
Agent 2 "Captain James Kirk
Sisko - Smiling Broadly "The one and Only"
Agent 2 "17 seperate temproal vilolations, the biggest file on record"
Angent 1"the man was a menece."
Anyway, my point is that if they called that ship the FIRST one, then that means there have been 5 other ones after it. Now this was episode 5.3.2 and First contact wasn't released untill episode 5.5.2, this was when they changed the uniforms to coinside with irst Conatct. Now they say in First conatct that they have been out in space a year now (Gerdi does when they have been sent to the neutral zone) So we can count that as one of the five. So we still have the problem of determining the others. BUT, my point is, in that timeline in what we call "Cannon" there was NEVER a NX-01 Enterprise! And this makes me MAD so very MAD. That after 30 years, they just say oh I know, lets ruin everything that startrek is and create ships that never existed. Anyway, I could go on for ever about how much I hate Enterprise, but I will finish by saying, I like to consider myslef an "Expert" in TNG timline, I never saw TOS untill I had watched many episodes of TNG and DS9 so I prefer the TNG universe. And like I said, when people go messing with my expertise, It makes me mad. So from this day forward, as I am using this episode of DS9 as my proof I declare this -
I think that is fair.