I was reading the post on suggestions for the offical patch , and I got some ideas from there to deal with the ballance issues.
Right now the federation is at a disadvatage with it's BCH and DN's, and it needs its TORPEDO VOLLEY BACK!!
FOR EXAMPLE, lets take the BCH and just look at the weapon mass limits,
Nebula, 1800
Vorcha, 2100
Raptor, 2100
(The cannon nebula class starship should be equal the the Galaxy, and actually carries more torpedo and phasers with its weapons pod.) It could still have "weaker armour", but it doesn't hae the extra weapons that the weapon pod should.
In the case of this game I think the Nebula needs to have its mass limits increased to where the Galaxy is now.
It is not fair that the Federation and the Klingons do not have a BB, the Roms and Borg do. (The cube could be even stronger)
To solve this, increase the galaxy to match the current sov, and recreate the sov as a BB- This is supposed to be Starfleet's most advanced ship.
The klingons will need a new BB as well. Their Polarons must volley to be fair.
The romulans are great now after the patch, but the cloak sould be even harder, way harder to detect, especially with the probes!
This would make the klingon and romulan cloaking advatage more realistic. In TNG they have a very difficult time detecting cloaked vessels.
The feds do have an advantage with their light ships, CL's and CAs, the other races could be beefed up here.
I think that these suggestion would help a lot!
again, what are your thoughts?