I thought the Roms were around in that period, personaly I think the Romulans are a very interesting race. If they were the ones that destroyed Enterprise C then surely they could be in the series somehow!?
Another idea I just had seems Im thinking about Trek, is a sort of Star Trek - Races program. You could then experiance things from different perspectives, could almost be like a saga thing, Klingon Saga, Romulan Saga etc. Failing that, the idea you mentioned of a none Enterprise based series that just happens to bump into it a lot would be cool. Could be flying around in the old style ships, even see the old Enterprise class ships, Excelsiors etc, fallow a crew and Captain as they progress sort of thing. WOULD BE GREAT!!!!
Just love the universe that is Trek, wish they would do somthing new and interesting with it. No offence to Enterprise but its all been done before, try something a bit different. If you manage to piss off and stop dedicated fans from watching then your doing somthing wrong!
Also yes, Cardasians taking over Bajor would be really interesting to see. Would be interseting to see how the Federation stood by and did nothing, except a few rogueish type Captains trying to help or whatever. SO many possibilities, half series worth at least based around this if not more. GOD WHY WONT THEY DO IT DAMNIT!?
Ok best calm down and stay of the coffee for a while lol