Topic: the Other Enterprise  (Read 2632 times)

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the Other Enterprise
« on: March 16, 2003, 11:54:24 pm »
ok maybe the name of the thread is not really like what youd think this is about but anyways : If there ever is about come another trek series again, in what era would you place it? I would say TMP, theres alot of material about how designs should look like and the ships as well so there wouldnt be any other crappy sh*tty designs (i like the ship though) like Akiraprise. and TMP looks still quite high tech so they wouldnt have mess around with designing either. and which ship? Enterprise-B or Excelsior. or a whole new one to b00t ...TMP era is the least used era so theres a lot of mining to do...  


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2003, 06:01:37 am »
Ever read Peter David's books- the Excalibur series (don't think the spelling is right)?

I'd love to see them formed into a series.  


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2003, 06:25:03 am »
TMP era would ceratinly be nice to see in the screen again... but after the script writing debacle with Enterprise, I think it would have to be a post-TNG series. At least that way the script writers' couldn't mess up future history in the chase for ratings.

Credo Narth

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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2003, 07:23:18 am »
A post-TMP series, with George Takei on the Excelsior, would also be good. I think that GT is one of the most underrated actors of ST in any era. Or do a series with the Enterprise C, I think that it would be interesting to see the conversion from TMP to TNG.

I don't know about a post TNG series, I think the TNG era has been over-cooked over the past few years.


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2003, 09:11:58 am »
Yeah Enterprise C eara gets my vote, not too hard to mess this up but it could be hard comming up with new people to fight etc. Maybe a one series show, leading up to the ulitmate episode when Enterprise C is destroyed by the Romulans whilest shes trying to defend a Klingon outpost. That would just rock! It would be nice if it was set in a piece of history where the Klingons and Federation where at each others throats quite a lot, and other well known races kept sticking there noses in.

As we all know (yeah right), if this didnt happen, the Klingons would eventualy over power the Federation and claim the Alpha quadrant (summising a bit here), so its a very important part of Trek history. Talented dedicated writers could do this moment proud (whipes tear away), so put your hands up if you agree!

Alidar Jarok

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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2003, 09:50:52 am »
Perhaps it could have a different ship, just meet the Enterprise alot.

This would give the writers more freedom to steal Voyager episodes.

dates to note would be

2328: Cardassia anexes Bajor

2344: USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C destroyed.

I haven't seen "Ensign Roe" in a long time so I don't know if first contact with Cardassia happened before, after, or an unspecified time period around the annexation.

Cardassia would have to be the main villian (except for one they will make up for the series, which I don't mind).

Federation/Klingon tensions thing would be interesting.

I would miss my Romulans, but continuity is more important than Melak (or whatever new ship they might make up).


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2003, 10:05:53 am »
I thought the Roms were around in that period, personaly I think the Romulans are a very interesting race. If they were the ones that destroyed Enterprise C then surely they could be in the series somehow!?

Another idea I just had seems Im thinking about Trek, is a sort of Star Trek - Races program. You could then experiance things from different perspectives, could almost be like a saga thing, Klingon Saga, Romulan Saga etc. Failing that, the idea you mentioned of a none Enterprise based series that just happens to bump into it a lot would be cool. Could be flying around in the old style ships, even see the old Enterprise class ships, Excelsiors etc, fallow a crew and Captain as they progress sort of thing. WOULD BE GREAT!!!!

Just love the universe that is Trek, wish they would do somthing new and interesting with it. No offence to Enterprise but its all been done before, try something a bit different. If you manage to piss off and stop dedicated fans from watching then your doing somthing wrong!

Also yes, Cardasians taking over Bajor would be really interesting to see. Would be interseting to see how the Federation stood by and did nothing, except a few rogueish type Captains trying to help or whatever. SO many possibilities, half series worth at least based around this if not more. GOD WHY WONT THEY DO IT DAMNIT!?

Ok best calm down and stay of the coffee for a while lol


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2003, 10:32:46 am »

 I haven't seen "Ensign Roe" in a long time so I don't know if first contact with Cardassia happened before, after, or an unspecified time period around the annexation.

Ensign Roe was Origginally going to play the part of Major Kira, or the same role anyways, the first officer on DS9, but the actoress refused to play the part, don't now why, so thats why the built Kira into the story line.


 I thought the Roms were around in that period

No they wern't.  If you rember the first time the Romulans had been seen in almost fifty years was when the Enterprise D saw them in the neutral zone investigating what we now know as Borg activity.  They dissappeared for about fifty years and invented all that new tecnology like the warbird.


 Also yes, Cardasians taking over Bajor would be really interesting to see. Would be interseting to see how the Federation stood by and did nothing.  Cardassia would have to be the main villian

When the Cardassians took over Bakor, the Federation hadn't even heard of it, Rember they were there for Fifty years.  Also the Cardassians and the Federation had a war with eachother for a VERY long time.   That was why there were so many tensions between them in DS9.  There won't be a series with the Cardies in because we've already had that with DS9.  Plus to make things intresting I bet you that by the time Enterprise is over they will have met with the Cardassians!  Just to muck around with the timeline EVEN more!

I think that a post- Nemisis seires would be good.  But with Riker on his new ship, and it would have to invovle he Romulans and new friendships with them after the movie.  We havn't seen alot of the Romulans apart from in DS9.  We have seen the Cardassian, Klingons, Breen, Dominion, Borg, and obviously Bajorans, but never alot on the Romulans.  I also think that something to do with the Breen would be good.  They always spoke about them but we only got top see them briefly with the Domion Wars.  But another Sires, if it ever happens, would have to be with Post ST10


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2003, 10:35:21 am »
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention that Roe Laren is in the DS9 Relaunch books.  So if she does appear in a new series, it would make alot of people VERY angry.


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2003, 10:43:32 am »
Yeah I know that part only that Im on about the period when Enterprise C was destroyed, as it was destroyed by Romulans.... or so I was told.

Also sure a post Nemesis series would be cool, new toys new ships etc, lots of fighting I hope. This could also include the Roms with new Valdor etc, being nice people, helping little old ladies cross the road. Perhaps the Breen could invade Romulan space after the power vacum created by Nemesis, that would liven things up a bit, should the Federation help? Well there is the moral issue... oh what the hell lets go in, red alert, full power to shields, arm phasers and quantums, muhahaha Id make a great star ship Captain, only wish i had the chance to fullfill my dreams.....

oh yeah right the game, I completly forgot    


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the Other Enterprise
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2003, 11:54:24 pm »
ok maybe the name of the thread is not really like what youd think this is about but anyways : If there ever is about come another trek series again, in what era would you place it? I would say TMP, theres alot of material about how designs should look like and the ships as well so there wouldnt be any other crappy sh*tty designs (i like the ship though) like Akiraprise. and TMP looks still quite high tech so they wouldnt have mess around with designing either. and which ship? Enterprise-B or Excelsior. or a whole new one to b00t ...TMP era is the least used era so theres a lot of mining to do...  


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2003, 06:01:37 am »
Ever read Peter David's books- the Excalibur series (don't think the spelling is right)?

I'd love to see them formed into a series.  


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2003, 06:25:03 am »
TMP era would ceratinly be nice to see in the screen again... but after the script writing debacle with Enterprise, I think it would have to be a post-TNG series. At least that way the script writers' couldn't mess up future history in the chase for ratings.

Credo Narth

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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2003, 07:23:18 am »
A post-TMP series, with George Takei on the Excelsior, would also be good. I think that GT is one of the most underrated actors of ST in any era. Or do a series with the Enterprise C, I think that it would be interesting to see the conversion from TMP to TNG.

I don't know about a post TNG series, I think the TNG era has been over-cooked over the past few years.


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2003, 09:11:58 am »
Yeah Enterprise C eara gets my vote, not too hard to mess this up but it could be hard comming up with new people to fight etc. Maybe a one series show, leading up to the ulitmate episode when Enterprise C is destroyed by the Romulans whilest shes trying to defend a Klingon outpost. That would just rock! It would be nice if it was set in a piece of history where the Klingons and Federation where at each others throats quite a lot, and other well known races kept sticking there noses in.

As we all know (yeah right), if this didnt happen, the Klingons would eventualy over power the Federation and claim the Alpha quadrant (summising a bit here), so its a very important part of Trek history. Talented dedicated writers could do this moment proud (whipes tear away), so put your hands up if you agree!

Alidar Jarok

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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2003, 09:50:52 am »
Perhaps it could have a different ship, just meet the Enterprise alot.

This would give the writers more freedom to steal Voyager episodes.

dates to note would be

2328: Cardassia anexes Bajor

2344: USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C destroyed.

I haven't seen "Ensign Roe" in a long time so I don't know if first contact with Cardassia happened before, after, or an unspecified time period around the annexation.

Cardassia would have to be the main villian (except for one they will make up for the series, which I don't mind).

Federation/Klingon tensions thing would be interesting.

I would miss my Romulans, but continuity is more important than Melak (or whatever new ship they might make up).


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2003, 10:05:53 am »
I thought the Roms were around in that period, personaly I think the Romulans are a very interesting race. If they were the ones that destroyed Enterprise C then surely they could be in the series somehow!?

Another idea I just had seems Im thinking about Trek, is a sort of Star Trek - Races program. You could then experiance things from different perspectives, could almost be like a saga thing, Klingon Saga, Romulan Saga etc. Failing that, the idea you mentioned of a none Enterprise based series that just happens to bump into it a lot would be cool. Could be flying around in the old style ships, even see the old Enterprise class ships, Excelsiors etc, fallow a crew and Captain as they progress sort of thing. WOULD BE GREAT!!!!

Just love the universe that is Trek, wish they would do somthing new and interesting with it. No offence to Enterprise but its all been done before, try something a bit different. If you manage to piss off and stop dedicated fans from watching then your doing somthing wrong!

Also yes, Cardasians taking over Bajor would be really interesting to see. Would be interseting to see how the Federation stood by and did nothing, except a few rogueish type Captains trying to help or whatever. SO many possibilities, half series worth at least based around this if not more. GOD WHY WONT THEY DO IT DAMNIT!?

Ok best calm down and stay of the coffee for a while lol


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2003, 10:32:46 am »

 I haven't seen "Ensign Roe" in a long time so I don't know if first contact with Cardassia happened before, after, or an unspecified time period around the annexation.

Ensign Roe was Origginally going to play the part of Major Kira, or the same role anyways, the first officer on DS9, but the actoress refused to play the part, don't now why, so thats why the built Kira into the story line.


 I thought the Roms were around in that period

No they wern't.  If you rember the first time the Romulans had been seen in almost fifty years was when the Enterprise D saw them in the neutral zone investigating what we now know as Borg activity.  They dissappeared for about fifty years and invented all that new tecnology like the warbird.


 Also yes, Cardasians taking over Bajor would be really interesting to see. Would be interseting to see how the Federation stood by and did nothing.  Cardassia would have to be the main villian

When the Cardassians took over Bakor, the Federation hadn't even heard of it, Rember they were there for Fifty years.  Also the Cardassians and the Federation had a war with eachother for a VERY long time.   That was why there were so many tensions between them in DS9.  There won't be a series with the Cardies in because we've already had that with DS9.  Plus to make things intresting I bet you that by the time Enterprise is over they will have met with the Cardassians!  Just to muck around with the timeline EVEN more!

I think that a post- Nemisis seires would be good.  But with Riker on his new ship, and it would have to invovle he Romulans and new friendships with them after the movie.  We havn't seen alot of the Romulans apart from in DS9.  We have seen the Cardassian, Klingons, Breen, Dominion, Borg, and obviously Bajorans, but never alot on the Romulans.  I also think that something to do with the Breen would be good.  They always spoke about them but we only got top see them briefly with the Domion Wars.  But another Sires, if it ever happens, would have to be with Post ST10


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2003, 10:35:21 am »
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention that Roe Laren is in the DS9 Relaunch books.  So if she does appear in a new series, it would make alot of people VERY angry.


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Re: the Other Enterprise
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2003, 10:43:32 am »
Yeah I know that part only that Im on about the period when Enterprise C was destroyed, as it was destroyed by Romulans.... or so I was told.

Also sure a post Nemesis series would be cool, new toys new ships etc, lots of fighting I hope. This could also include the Roms with new Valdor etc, being nice people, helping little old ladies cross the road. Perhaps the Breen could invade Romulan space after the power vacum created by Nemesis, that would liven things up a bit, should the Federation help? Well there is the moral issue... oh what the hell lets go in, red alert, full power to shields, arm phasers and quantums, muhahaha Id make a great star ship Captain, only wish i had the chance to fullfill my dreams.....

oh yeah right the game, I completly forgot