Topic: It's a little OT but still related... See what you think!!!  (Read 1162 times)

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It's a little OT but still related... See what you think!!!
« on: March 19, 2003, 03:37:15 pm »
This is an unusual topic of conversation, it may be lengthy but it would be nice to get feedback on what is contained here...

Just a little background info first.... I am not die hard fan.... I have some episodes (TOS and Movies) on video and have seen all TNG episodes.... I guess I am an average fan... Oh, ships are cool too... Which is why I'm here.... OK then...

In attempting to avoid all the media attention being devoted to the immminent "wholesale slaughter" that's about to begin in Iraq, I spent the day watching Star Trek movies, specifically II, III, IV and VI.... And a number of things occured to me.  One of the forum topics on here is "Whats going to happen next???", aimed at garnering opinion regarding the future of the franchise and SFC. Whilst I would be showing "arrogant presumption" to assume that Paramount are ACTUALLY interested in what the fans think, it's nice to get the views of people..... Whilst I'll admit, this doesn't have a great deal to do with SFC, it is quite usefull to know what you all think.  After all you MUST be fans otherwise you wouldn't be here....

In watching said movies I couldn't help but notice that Paramount seem to be suffering from a whole host of missed opportunities in their efforts to produce quality entertainment to feed to an ever more hungry audience....  For example, they go and create the Borg.... All powerful, all conquering... "Dont you be jiving off at me, or I'll assimilate yo ass"  They make em tough but then they HAVE to go mess it up by reducing them to just another example of "Generic Alien Starfleet Fodder".  Just think what would've happenned if they DIDN'T get Picard back in BOBWpt2... By this time the series was well established so comercially it would've worked to have a major charactor "practically dead".... The shows producers could've had a whale of a time wiping out the Federation during the first half of season 4 and then spending the remain time rebuilding.... THAT would've given the Borg the approriate menace that they are justified. Whilst I'll admit that during Voyager they were more likely to cause problems but here's another example of missed opprtunity.... Voyager makes it back!!!!  Why oh why??  My own view is that it was flawed from the begining by sticking the ship way over on the other side of the galaxy and then thinking "Actually, we should have a happy ending here guys... Lets get them home"

I'm not even going to touch DS9 here.... I never really liked it anyway, it frequently played havoc with a lot of ship size/scaling issues that seem to annoy a lot of people on here (myself included)... And besides, read the title, "STAR TREK" and not "STAR Hang around until something happens...

I guess the whole point of this is that like a lot of people, I feel that Paramount should leave alone for a while.  I mean there has been new material aired regularly since "Encounter at Farpoint" and that was 15 years ago... yes, you read that right, FIFTEEN.... Thats a long time.....

Now I'm all in favour of new ideas and of coming up with new directions to take things, however they really have messed up with "Enterprise" or "Akiraprise" as it is so orten refered to here.... Once again a huge opprtunity missed.  I just dont understand why the producers have set the show pre TOS and then acted like 79 TOS episodes and 6 and a half motion pictures didn't happen.  And now the rumour is that the Borg will be making an appearence..... (speechless at this point) ..... Does anyone at Paramount know what they're doing?..... Furthermore, can you see 7 seasons of "Enterprise" happening?  No, me neither.... If anything they could've set a new series aboard Excelsior (Ooh, controversial), I'm sure George Takei wouldn't have minded and they could've had Tuvok in aswell (Well for a bit anyway)......  

My point is this... (a last)  it's about time that Paramount listened to what the fans are saying.  After all, without them they would not have had TNG and everything happening afterwards.....  Either that, or leave it alone and let us all catch breath.... It's all getting a bit too much....

As a footnote, I suppose this does have some relevance to SFC, which is unfortunate....  Taldren have done a fantastic job in producing a fine game but unless they produce a PreTOS version (unlikely) then I fear we have seen the final installment, though what could be a good idea is to start to produce themed add ons (as in "The Sims) and expansions..

That'll keep it fresh........  


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It's a little OT but still related... See what you think!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2003, 03:37:15 pm »
This is an unusual topic of conversation, it may be lengthy but it would be nice to get feedback on what is contained here...

Just a little background info first.... I am not die hard fan.... I have some episodes (TOS and Movies) on video and have seen all TNG episodes.... I guess I am an average fan... Oh, ships are cool too... Which is why I'm here.... OK then...

In attempting to avoid all the media attention being devoted to the immminent "wholesale slaughter" that's about to begin in Iraq, I spent the day watching Star Trek movies, specifically II, III, IV and VI.... And a number of things occured to me.  One of the forum topics on here is "Whats going to happen next???", aimed at garnering opinion regarding the future of the franchise and SFC. Whilst I would be showing "arrogant presumption" to assume that Paramount are ACTUALLY interested in what the fans think, it's nice to get the views of people..... Whilst I'll admit, this doesn't have a great deal to do with SFC, it is quite usefull to know what you all think.  After all you MUST be fans otherwise you wouldn't be here....

In watching said movies I couldn't help but notice that Paramount seem to be suffering from a whole host of missed opportunities in their efforts to produce quality entertainment to feed to an ever more hungry audience....  For example, they go and create the Borg.... All powerful, all conquering... "Dont you be jiving off at me, or I'll assimilate yo ass"  They make em tough but then they HAVE to go mess it up by reducing them to just another example of "Generic Alien Starfleet Fodder".  Just think what would've happenned if they DIDN'T get Picard back in BOBWpt2... By this time the series was well established so comercially it would've worked to have a major charactor "practically dead".... The shows producers could've had a whale of a time wiping out the Federation during the first half of season 4 and then spending the remain time rebuilding.... THAT would've given the Borg the approriate menace that they are justified. Whilst I'll admit that during Voyager they were more likely to cause problems but here's another example of missed opprtunity.... Voyager makes it back!!!!  Why oh why??  My own view is that it was flawed from the begining by sticking the ship way over on the other side of the galaxy and then thinking "Actually, we should have a happy ending here guys... Lets get them home"

I'm not even going to touch DS9 here.... I never really liked it anyway, it frequently played havoc with a lot of ship size/scaling issues that seem to annoy a lot of people on here (myself included)... And besides, read the title, "STAR TREK" and not "STAR Hang around until something happens...

I guess the whole point of this is that like a lot of people, I feel that Paramount should leave alone for a while.  I mean there has been new material aired regularly since "Encounter at Farpoint" and that was 15 years ago... yes, you read that right, FIFTEEN.... Thats a long time.....

Now I'm all in favour of new ideas and of coming up with new directions to take things, however they really have messed up with "Enterprise" or "Akiraprise" as it is so orten refered to here.... Once again a huge opprtunity missed.  I just dont understand why the producers have set the show pre TOS and then acted like 79 TOS episodes and 6 and a half motion pictures didn't happen.  And now the rumour is that the Borg will be making an appearence..... (speechless at this point) ..... Does anyone at Paramount know what they're doing?..... Furthermore, can you see 7 seasons of "Enterprise" happening?  No, me neither.... If anything they could've set a new series aboard Excelsior (Ooh, controversial), I'm sure George Takei wouldn't have minded and they could've had Tuvok in aswell (Well for a bit anyway)......  

My point is this... (a last)  it's about time that Paramount listened to what the fans are saying.  After all, without them they would not have had TNG and everything happening afterwards.....  Either that, or leave it alone and let us all catch breath.... It's all getting a bit too much....

As a footnote, I suppose this does have some relevance to SFC, which is unfortunate....  Taldren have done a fantastic job in producing a fine game but unless they produce a PreTOS version (unlikely) then I fear we have seen the final installment, though what could be a good idea is to start to produce themed add ons (as in "The Sims) and expansions..

That'll keep it fresh........