Holy Crap, am I out of practice. If you watched play EAW the other night, you would have been able to compile...
The Top 10 Ways You Can Spot D3 Players On D2 Servers. 10. First chat question is, "Where can I get a Diamond Prime?"
9. Asks you to pause until he can find the power sliders
8. At spacedock, forgot the fighters but is chuckin' plenty of shuttles at you
7. Whoops! Why am I in a different ship?
6. Too busy counting shield facings to fight
5. Breaks the "A" key trying to reverse his ship
4. Wild ... what?!?
3. Points at a Gorn and says, "aren't those borg supposed to fly cubes?"
2. Asks for a cease-fire until he can figure out how to get 3 points of ECM & ECCM in simultaneously
1. As Plasma torps bear down, keeps screaming "Warp! Warp!" into GameCommander
Boy, it's been a while!