Site's down at the mo and I'm tired with splittin' headache so I'm done for now - I'll get the blanks 2moz. Here's my 'efforts' so far on P81's old Kiev - one of my fave FASA ships, if it's scaled properly...
This is early work, as you can see I need to detail the extension behind the saucer and add some detail around the torps. The original textures map so unevenly on the torps BTW. I also replaced the nacelles with P81's third Connie nacelles. All textures so far bashed from Pataflafla's Chandley, expect the torpedo texture which is from his Northampton. Feel free to rip the p!ss out of this as I know it's really
cr@p, just wanted to see what I could do with textures beyond renaming ships.
I found a Thurfir at but there was no D/L that I could see for any of the models, I really need to brush up on my Italian B4 the summer...
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