Topic: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...  (Read 4315 times)

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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2003, 06:51:59 pm »
Are u talking the stock? I'd like the same pp awards.. . u can nearly get 2000 if u capturedf all 3x ships, all 3x docks.

BUT... I'd want this time around for each dock to have a DEF floating near it. Makes the pp come in line more when you have a bit of defenses.

But u r talking about modding the stock? If so, change where it shows up to planets and bases only.


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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2003, 07:00:37 pm »
When I get home from uni today, I'll have a look at it...


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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2003, 11:03:03 pm »
Daves shipyard defense/assault were showing up on the Litterbox.  However, he did make them harder and the PP awards are not what they used to be for the assault mission.  I dont mind the shipyards now firing plasma, PPD or drones at me, but with 18 or more marines, they are almost impossible to capture now without blowing the damn things up.  And the PP awards for the mission are not what they used to be.  It used to be 1200 if you captured all 3 docks, and thats not counting the other ships.

I also agree with Dogmatix on the convoy raids.  I have played Karnaks new Convoy Raid, and its a blast.  And the PP awards are as he has stated.  Nice missions Karnak.  Adds a little thrill to the raid.

My only complaint from Daves missions, are that of the reworked stock patrols in the pack, the only mission that would show up in neutral or enemy space seemed to be the  7Patrol which was bugged.  All the other stock Taldren patrols only appeared in your own or allied space.  This could have been related to server settings, but I think it has more to do with the scripts as the server settings were based on AOTK settings.  Fortunately, having Karnaks and TraceyG's patrols made up for this lack of your standard patrol in neutral or enemy space.

However, over all, I thought the missions were very nicely balanced on the Litterbox, even though the settings were on Admiral level.  It still took a day or so to adapt, but even the new players adapted rather quickly.  It was nothing like some of the really Evil Dave Missions we used to have to go through.  Overall, I found them challenging and enjoyable, but not as time consuming as they were in the past.


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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2003, 10:26:45 am »

This morning I went through to make the changes suggested to convoy/shipyard/patrol missions, but my recent upgrade to XP appears to have me temporarily screwed.

At the moment, any updates I do with the scripting API leads to immediate crashes when I next try to load EAW or OP

I'll keep you posted, but for the moment I'm stymied.



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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2003, 10:31:09 am »
You last post for the hosted D/L'ed are ok, yes? I want to begin including them into the server D/L.


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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2003, 11:14:09 am »
Yes, all the posted packs are fine - it's strictly stuff on my own machine that's kablooie.



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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2003, 11:27:06 am »


This morning I went through to make the changes suggested to convoy/shipyard/patrol missions, but my recent upgrade to XP appears to have me temporarily screwed.

At the moment, any updates I do with the scripting API leads to immediate crashes when I next try to load EAW or OP

I'll keep you posted, but for the moment I'm stymied.


Oooh!! I thought I was the only one 2 nights ago. I made a bad change in my Convoy Escort mission and it crashed my EAW upon load up.  I did a total EAW re-install and it still blew up.  Then I took out the bad SCR file and it worked. Then I fixed the misplaced pointer and it worked.  Apparently, SFC loads the SCRs are run-time. This would explain why DomWars and TNZ makes SFC3 take so much longer to start up cuz it's loading all of Pelican's new SCR files.  I would check your latest SCR file that you updated and start backing out to your last working backup.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2003, 11:42:06 am »
Oh no worries there Karnak, it's definitely the .scr file causing the crash - I've been down that part of this road many many many times before

The deeper problem for me is that currently if I recompile any script then the new version is unplayable - even the stock Taldren ones.

Somewhere there's been a change to a setting or a file that the API uses, and until I track that down I'm more or less kaput on the scripting front.  It's almost certainly related to the upgrade to XP -- the trick is going to be figuring out where.  Guess it's Microsoft's way of telling me to "take a break and play on SG3 instead"



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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2003, 06:42:34 pm »
Dave, XP wouldn't have by any chance loaded some of the .net framework stuff at all on your last update, would it have?


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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2003, 07:12:35 pm »
It's entirely possible   <insert sound of gnashing teeth>

Still hacking away at it, but it might be time to rebuild my other box and use this one for playing, not scripting




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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2003, 07:28:57 pm »
That must be quite frustrating, Dave. The only thing I can suggest is to try re-installing MS Visual Studio.


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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2003, 11:09:40 pm »
I had MS VC v. 7.0 installed before VC 6.0 was installed and I'm using XP.


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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2003, 01:19:24 pm »
Alrighty, reinstalled VC and the API and I appear to be back up and running.

As per the discussion way up there somewhere in the thread, I've made the following modifications:

11 Convoy Raid: capture bonuses increased, freighter speed and marines down a bit
8 Shipyard Assault: same idea, capture bonuses increased, marine counts down, ship strengths corrected (found a bug)
10 Patrol Allied: patrol mission for allied space
17 Patrol Enemy: patrol mission for enemy space

I didn't include 7Patrol in this pack, and have deleted it from the .mct files - still just too damn buggy

The pack has been updated for EAW, but not for OP yet (still have to finish setting the OP api up again)




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Re: Dave, Karnak, Tracey Plz Read...
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2003, 02:00:59 pm »
I look forward to checking out these new missions, Dave.  Sounds like you're on the right track!