Topic: Tholians  (Read 4733 times)

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« on: March 14, 2003, 04:48:11 pm »
Well, here is the list. I think I have all the 'usable' Tholian and Neo-Tholian ships represented. If you have a favorite that isnt on the list, let me know. I managed to find SSD's for most of these...

    Race/   Hull/   Name/   CLASS TYPE/       BPV/   Special/   YFA/   YLA/

    Tholian   DN   T-DNH   DREADNOUGHT   246   C   23   999
    Tholian   DN   T-DNW   DREADNOUGHT   206   C   20   999
    Tholian   DN   T-DNL   DREADNOUGHT   191   C   2   20
    Tholian   DN   T-DVA   DREADNOUGHT   196   C   10   999
    Tholian   DN   T-SCS   DREADNOUGHT   207   C   23   999
    Tholian   CA   T-SCA   HEAVY_BATTLECRUISER   180   C   13   999
    Tholian   CA   T-BC   HEAVY_BATTLECRUISER   180   C   15   20
    Tholian   CA   T-BCV   HEAVY_BATTLECRUISER   180   C   16   999
    Tholian   CA   T-BCS   HEAVY_BATTLECRUISER   180   C   23   999
    Tholian   CA   T-BCH   HEAVY_BATTLECRUISER   180   C   20   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CA   HEAVY_CRUISER   142       0   7
    Tholian   CA   T-CAI   HEAVY_CRUISER   149       7   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CAIP   HEAVY_CRUISER   150       7   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CC   HEAVY_CRUISER   151   C   0   5
    Tholian   CA   T-CCI   HEAVY_CRUISER   157   C   5   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CCIP   HEAVY_CRUISER   158   C   7   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CFN   HEAVY_CRUISER   149       7   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CFNP   HEAVY_CRUISER   149       7   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CVS   HEAVY_CRUISER   139       11   999
    Tholian   CA   T-FDC   NEW_HEAVY_CRUISER   152       10   999
    Tholian   CA   T-FPC   NEW_HEAVY_CRUISER   153       10   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CN   NEW_HEAVY_CRUISER   146       10   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CNP   NEW_HEAVY_CRUISER   147       10   999
    Tholian   CA   T-CNW   NEW_HEAVY_CRUISER   166       20   999
    Tholian   CL   T-CWL   LIGHT_CRUISER   135       6   999
    Tholian   CL   T-CWLP   LIGHT_CRUISER   136       7   999
    Tholian   CL   T-CVL   CARRIER      108       12   999
    Tholian   CL   T-HDW   WAR_DESTROYER   106       12   999
    Tholian   CL   T-HDWP   WAR_DESTROYER   106       12   999
    Tholian   FF   T-DW   DESTROYER      96       0   999
    Tholian   FF   T-DWP   DESTROYER      97       7   999
    Tholian   FF   T-DDV   DESTROYER      90       5   999
    Tholian   FF   T-DE   DESTROYER      85       0   6
    Tholian   FF   T-DEI   DESTROYER      95       6   999
    Tholian   FF   T-FF   FRIGATE      65       0   6
    Tholian   FF   T-FFI   FRIGATE      80       6   999
    Tholian   FF   T-FFIP   FRIGATE      80       7   999
    Tholian   FF   T-PVL   FRIGATE      71       0   999

Neo Tholians-Release date estimated at 2283... will change...

    Tholian   DN   T-NDN   DREADNOUGHT   249   C   20   999
    Tholian   DN   T-NDNV   DREADNOUGHT   224   C   20   999
    Tholian   CA   T-NBC   HEAVY_BATTLECRUISER   180   C   20   999
    Tholian   CA   T-NCFS   HEAVY_CRUISER   158   R   20   999
    Tholian   CA   T-NCPA   HEAVY_CRUISER   155       20   999
    Tholian   CA   T-NVS   HEAVY_CRUISER   151      20   999
    Tholian   CA   T-NCC   HEAVY_CRUISER   163   C   20   999
    Tholian   CA   T-NCA   HEAVY_CRUISER   149       20   999
    Tholian   CL   T-NEC   LIGHT_CRUISER   126      20   999
    Tholian   CL   T-NCL   LIGHT_CRUISER   136      20   999
    Tholian   CL   T-NPFT   CARRIER      129      20   999
    Tholian   CL   T-NVL   CARRIER      129      20   999
    Tholian   FF   T-NDV   DESTROYER      103      20   999
    Tholian   FF   T-NDD   DESTROYER      92      20   999
    Tholian   FF   T-NFF   FRIGATE      69      20   999
    Tholian   FF   T-NFE   FRIGATE      65      20   999

The NCFS and any model with a (P), I.E. the CWLP is a Photon armed varient of the Disruptor armed CWL.

My Tholian Mod contains all new models that will be available at your local retail store for $49.95 or you may simply download them for free.  

Tholian Models in the game will be:

    2xhull (CA)
    3xhull (DNL)
    4xhull (DN)

Neo-Tholian models:




    BS (Pinwheel)
    BATS (2xhull Pinwheel)
    SB/ Homeworld (Dyson Sphere)

If I could, I'd take the EAW engine and change a cpl of non-used weapons into the Web Caster and the Web Snare, also change the race interface and UI's so they all look original. Unfortunately I cant do that. So we are stuck using what we can substitute these items for. In the end, with the models and the new shiplist we have a whole new race that is very different and quite distinctive on their own from other races in the game. This is not a 'cheap' mod, but rather one that is carefully thought out and balanced from the lowly ftr to the deadly DN. I'm sure you will find this mod to be professional and enjoyable.

I am in the process of finishing the shiplist and should have a dl pack ready soon.

I have one question, tho.... All the Tholians have the same basic hull texture. But what color is it? The one I am using doesnt quite match TOS Tholian 'look'. I can easily change the texture, but to what?

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Tholians
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2003, 05:44:45 pm »
I'd love to try this out in SFC:OP; I prefer the Klingon Academy Tholians with a fe of Brezgonne's 2nd Gen Tholians thrown in.

I'd also like to see what you can do for the Andromedans. We do have the TRB in SFC:OP...

Qa Pla!



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Re: Tholians
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2003, 07:22:55 pm »
This is for EAW and the SG3 server...


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2003, 07:44:48 pm »
Where's the DPW or whatever it's called. I remember a Tholian DN packing photons. Sucker was vicious.  


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2003, 08:21:44 pm »
Feds and their photons.. lol


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2003, 08:34:02 pm »

Feds and their photons.. lol  

Mav and his... disruptors? No... he got booted out of the KBF...
Mav and his plasmas?... no, he left them too...
Mav and his drones?? Well, he claims to be a KAT but have you ever seen him flying a Mirak ship?
Mav and his PPD's? Well... he was flying ISC on the 7.35 server...
Mav and his photons... that'll be next...

How about Mav and his multiple personality disorder, would the real Maverick please stand up.


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2003, 08:59:01 pm »


Feds and their photons.. lol  

Mav and his... disruptors? No... he got booted out of the KBF...
Mav and his plasmas?... no, he left them too...
Mav and his drones?? Well, he claims to be a KAT but have you ever seen him flying a Mirak ship?
Mav and his PPD's? Well... he was flying ISC on the 7.35 server...
Mav and his photons... that'll be next...

How about Mav and his multiple personality disorder, would the real Maverick please stand up.  

*quitely raises up then sits down, raises up again and sits down. Continues this for about 5 minutes then sits down and begins arguing with himself*


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2003, 09:39:14 pm »
The best looking Tholians ships I've seen have always been a coppery color.


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2003, 09:47:37 pm »
I'll email someone a pic if they can post a link to it...


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2003, 07:29:35 am »

I'll email someone a pic if they can post a link to it...  

I think I can host it for ya.


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2003, 09:44:13 am »
At first I thought the tholian ships were hash/red(lava)...but after looking at a few sites IMO, the nicest looking ones are a copper/red.


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2003, 08:27:06 pm »
I pulled my old SFB material out from storage.....cough! cough! (dust....) and found that in the captain Log 17 there is an article on how one should paint their miniatures, and the Tholian had a miniature.
Here are the colors in the instructions (it comes with a drawing)
Copper - base color
Gold - Reactor grids on fins
Silver - Lines between fins
Red - Impulse engine
Marron - Warp engine
Gray - Disruptors, web generators, external fighter bays
Green - Shutle hanger doors
Light gray - Phaser mounts
Blue - Bridge, Auxcon and probe launcher.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2003, 10:26:00 pm »
Well, like in any good mod... there's always good reason for a facelift.

Thats what these suckers get! I have sent the pics out to jimmi, so hope he posts them soon.

I made them Lava Red. They have some other details to them, but I think if the Tholians were crystal and lava-like based, then their ships should have a skin or exterior that seems to flow like lava and retain crystal like qualities. Hopefully you'll like them. If you don't, then go **** yourself, hehe

Course, my Fed CA skins have playboy playmate models all over it... The NCC Playmate... heh... So a skin is what you want it to be. I spent a whole lotta time comming up with these... I hope you enjoy them...


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2003, 10:28:58 pm »
LMAO... well that explains why you fly fed.... But why does Tracey? Hmmm I might not wanna know...


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2003, 08:22:58 am »
The original SFBs colour scheme had the base hull colour in copper, however, the 'lava red' does have a kind of coppery tinge through it, and it actually works quite well (at least as far as I can tell from the pics). Very nice work.


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Re: Tholians
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2003, 09:06:11 am »
Really cool looking ships ... well done.


  • Guest
Re: Tholians
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2003, 09:55:47 am »
They look hot, really should be.
Good work.


  • Guest
Re: Tholians
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2003, 10:28:15 am »

They look hot, really should be.
Good work.

Did my best.

The mod work all goes to Daniel Thompson. These were all free public downloads for sfc2 enjoyment purposes from him. I altered the meshes because I think these are better.

Thanks jimmi for posting them


  • Guest
Re: Tholians
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2003, 10:35:45 am »
Almost forgot, the D-7 hull you see is also in the mod pack. This particular model in the pic is the Lyran FD7K which switches the drone racks for ESG's.

There are also 4x other Lyran D-7 hulls which use drones. Any B-racks are changed to A racks for the Lyrans due to limited technology exchange and limited supplies.

This free public dl for sfc didnt have a readme file, so the author of this fine mod is unknown.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2003, 10:37:07 am by Dizzy »