Topic: OP D2: need list of buggy missions  (Read 3243 times)

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OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« on: March 14, 2003, 12:31:05 pm »
I'm looking for a list of buggy missions within the OP D2.
Specifically, missions vulnerable to:

- Patrol Bug
- Neutral Coop Bug

I've offered DavidF my help concerning OP and its current D2 issues. He mentioned that he could use some help concerning the mission bugs. I'm thinking that if we do a good job (and basic, no enhancements) , it might just make a future OP D2 patch.
.. but.. I need to know which missions to fix. NW has a working solution for the Patrol Bug. I've already applied it to the 3 Patrol missions but I'm wondering what other missions to fix.

.. there's also been discussions about what missions are vulnerable to the Neutral Coop bug within the OP D2.

Note: I've already asked Nomad. He told me all he knew. Now I'm asking everyone else.
-- Luc


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2003, 05:56:34 pm »
.. well..

.. since there's no information to be had..
.. this ends here, until something new pops up.


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2003, 06:09:49 pm »

.. well..

.. since there's no information to be had..
.. this ends here, until something new pops up.  

Problem is most people gave up playing on the OP d2 (I have not played on it since rooks 3 at lest a year ago)
So most cant probly cant  rember (well I cant)
Co op did not happen very often as it was avoided due to the bugs
Only mission I can rember that was bugged was the never ending shipyard(was ment to be able to repare in it but nothing ever happend)


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2003, 06:19:39 pm »
I haven't done any scripting for OP as yet, but I would imagine things like the Patrol Bug (which isn't really a bug actually) and the Neutral coop bug are similar to EAW. The Patrol Bug is easily fixed, all you have to do design your own Victory Conditions algoirthm and prestige points calculation. Rather than give an opposing player with a smaller ship a bonus, I used the BPV ration of the total combat BPV between opposing fleets as a mulitiplier for bonus prestige awarded. Bonus prestige awarded is based solely upon how much damage, how many ships you destroy during the mission etc. If you leave the map without doing anything, then zero times the multiplier still gives you zero. Whether you win the mission or not (and hence which way the DV shifts), then, can be made independant of this eg. for a patrol, all enemy ships must either be destroyed, captured or disengage. There are any number of ways really you can solve the Patrol Bug.
The Neutral co-op bug, on the other hand, appears to be more elusive. It's been observed that in the stock Taldren Base Assault missions, there is no co-op bug. also, in the first neutral co-op mission you take, the DV shifts correctly, in other non-base assasult missions, but thereafter does not. NW suggested removing the timer used to check for game ending (as this was not used in the Base Assault) to fix it. Thus far, I have not had much success with it. It seems baffling that the mission results for a single player in a neutral hex, update the DV coreectly, and multiple allied players don't.


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2003, 06:37:04 pm »
.. yeah well.. uhm.
I know all that. .. I have actually gone through all this with NW..
.. my question was "which missions have the bugs?".. I need a list of them.

But I understand if people don't remember. The point is moot anyways if servers use the ED missions.

-- Luc


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2003, 07:06:06 pm »

.. yeah well.. uhm.
I know all that. .. I have actually gone through all this with NW..
.. my question was "which missions have the bugs?".. I need a list of them.

But I understand if people don't remember. The point is moot anyways if servers use the ED missions.

-- Luc  



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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2003, 08:16:30 pm »
In dim recollection, the base placement mission seemed a bit skewed to me.

Firstly, the fleet that's sent to destroy the base is kinda large.  Perhaps a bug, perhaps I am simply an initiate of Jinn's school of pure suckiness, but a fleet of three heavy cruisers, three escorts, and a fleet equal to my own fleet's bvp was a bit too much to handle.    (I had a pair of F-DDGs and the station was a BATS, I think.  I faced a K-D7C, K-D7, K-D7 Drone variant, a frigate drone variant, and four other frigates I didn't pay attention to.  (I hope I'm not whining about this...) )

Less a suckiness vs. bug issue and more a bug issue is the fact that you can disengage from this mission and still net a win;  If the base blows up, and you escape, you still win.  I was pleased with THAT particular bug at the time, but it is a bug no less.  Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the base is a part of the player's fleet, and can be accessed from the fleet panel. ( I wonder if you still win if you're utterly gutted...).

Though this mission isn't technically bugged, the recovery mission seems a tad easy.

I remember this mission even less than the base placement mission.  I'm not even sure it's name is 'recovery.' I DO remember that all you do in the mission is look at a bunch of space boxes, do something (anything actually;  leave, destroy the boxes, take the parts inside and leave, tow a box off the map, etc.)  Although the mission hints that there could be enemies about, I never encountered them on this mission ever.

In any event, I haven't played OP D2 in quite some time (I usually play skirmish to avoid evil OPD2 bugs.) so I don't *know* if this is still there or not.

I hope i'm not sending anyone on a wild goosechase,


PS:  If you want, I could muck around OP D2 looking for that recovery mission and do a base placement mission if you want...

PPS: Apologies in advance if you already know about these.  



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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2003, 11:10:49 pm »
Yeah well..
.. those issues aren't considered "bugs" as such.. just "balance".


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2003, 02:28:47 am »
One that always got me was flying with someone allied to you usually an allied  race like the roms in the case of the klingons one or the other wouldnt show up as allied. The rom might show up as an allie to me but not the other way around.


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2003, 05:52:42 am »
planet assault, and asteroid base assault, see kurok statement above. happened alot if i remember right.



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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2003, 11:20:27 am »
It might not be a bad idea for someone to put up a test server so we can go through all the missions again.  Its been so long since many of us have played OP, that it might help.  Just a thought.


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2003, 01:24:14 pm »
Here's an explanation of what's going on:

.. without enhancing the scripts, some testers (including myself) are volunteering their time in helping Taldren out with SFC:OP script bugs. Specifically, we're looking for details like:

Patrol (Met_10Patrol), encountered Neutral Coop bug.
(to know which mission you just played, check your mission recordings.)

.. this information will probably accumulate for the weeks/months after the soon-to-come OP patch comes out. The repaired scripts should make a future patch (if any).

-- Luc


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2003, 03:22:11 pm »

Here's an explanation of what's going on:

.. without enhancing the scripts, some testers (including myself) are volunteering their time in helping Taldren out with SFC:OP script bugs. Specifically, we're looking for details like:

Patrol (Met_10Patrol), encountered Neutral Coop bug.
(to know which mission you just played, check your mission recordings.)

.. this information will probably accumulate for the weeks/months after the soon-to-come OP patch comes out. The repaired scripts should make a future patch (if any).

-- Luc  

If the offer is there to fix the OP d2 Ill help but I cant run a server if you can get a test server up and running Ill play on it just to find out what works and what dont and I am sure many others would too


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2003, 03:17:08 am »
alright, i've just played a mid to advanced campaign as a Hydran in OP D2, and two missions stuck out as something bugged.

Firstly, in certian scan missions, one of the planets armed and shielded.  This ITSELF isn't a bug, but the science officer reports that there isn't anything of intrest on the planet (though it is confirmed the one giving strange signals).  Often, you can see the shields, but are unable to identify the several Ph-4's it has(it'll hit you with them though);  You can't see them no matter how you scan or how close you are (probably because they're not supposed to be there).  
Thiere IS a scan mission with armed planets, and one planet is SUPPOSED to be armed;  the one that looks like a colony and the science officer calls a <insert race of your choice here> colony.  However, it's often the OTHER, 'nothing intresting here' planet that's armed, rather than the colony.

Secondly, one of the patrol missions features a completely crippled ship in the center of the map;  Your opponent (and yourself, if you wish) can attack this ship and destroy it.  However, if you DON'T destroy the ship, it blows itself up after a certian time lapse.  It explodes regardless of being captured, and appears to be destroyed by being hit by ph-4's from every direction.  I have NO idea what that cripple is there for;  Either this mission is bugged or i'm really missing something as what to do with that cripple.

I heard you fixed this, but carriers also always have the worst fighters onboard in campaign fights, which is both a good and bad thing, I suppose.

Apologies if you know these ones,




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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2003, 07:08:09 am »


Secondly, one of the patrol missions features a completely crippled ship in the center of the map;  Your opponent (and yourself, if you wish) can attack this ship and destroy it.  However, if you DON'T destroy the ship, it blows itself up after a certian time lapse.  It explodes regardless of being captured, and appears to be destroyed by being hit by ph-4's from every direction.  I have NO idea what that cripple is there for;  Either this mission is bugged or i'm really missing something as what to do with that cripple.



You are missing something.  The derelict is a decoy, intended to distract you from your real mission: killing the enemy.  However, I do think it's bugged, as fighters will ALWAYS attack the derelict, as does the AI, instead of fighting you, which is the reason why it's there in the first place (happens in EAW too).  You can get bonus points in that mission by accessing the transporter controls and beaming in either dilithium crystals or medical supplies.  
« Last Edit: March 18, 2003, 07:09:43 am by Commander Maxillius »


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2003, 02:01:57 am »
If it's a derelict, why does it blow itself up, exactly?

Salvaging derelicts would be fun, if they didn't blow up,



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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2003, 03:55:33 am »
I think there is a timer or something, and it keeps taking damage until it pops.  


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Re: OP D2: need list of buggy missions
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2003, 07:06:58 am »
The derelict sometimes has a valuable item onboard, like dilithium crystals. If you get to the ship before it blows up and beam in the item, you get a few bonus points for the mission. I mention this because most people know it already, but nobody seems to have shared that tidbit with you.

Otherwise, the mission isn't all that spectacular. It was sort of considered a "gimme" in D2 online play, since the enemy ignores you until the derelict pops. Though it shows up as a "Patrol" in the mission screen, the script is actually called "Enigma" (part of the longer filename). If you want to remove it, you'd have to edit your campaign .mct file(s) to take it out of the mission list.