Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum

Conquest Issue: Attack Planet


As the title states, I have an issue where I receive a defeat or devastating defeat after successfully eliminating all planetary defenses and all enemy ships in the region. Both of my fleet members survived and some of the fodder ships were lost in the attack (we can't expect to perform a full scale planetary invasion and NOT lose a ship or 2 yes?)

I am very confused because the goal has been completed and all parties have survived.

Am I missing something? Do I have to destroy everything in a certain sequence? :huh:

Oh and might I add the verification thing is very hard for a human to do on a phone screen. Especially when people don't know who the king of all monsters is? This is not Star Trek knowledge.

Also the verification for letters between 0-10 is broken. There are NO letters, only other numbers. So that is definitely broken and needs to be updated, as it is preventing people (myself) and others from posting. Ty in advance.

It helps if you let people know what version of the game.

Hi, Sorry about that. I am using the SFC3 Upgrade Mod 3.2 (outdated I know) and looks like I have patch v534 unofficial.

The issue was that too many ships were destroyed even though some had survived (starbase + planet + fleet) so I was in command of around 10 ships.

The solution was to force most of them to stay back and use one or 2 for a distraction while I handle everything pretty much by myself.

Off topic: Came across an interesting topic here in regards to empire tiles colors, so I did a little modding and came up with a better color scheme (for my color blindness). I've been disassembling Birth of the Federation for years alongside other code analysts in the AFC community as well, I have a feeling a LOT can be done with this game, with the right knowledge.


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