Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum
OPplus411 - upscaled textures
--- Quote from: FireSoul on March 28, 2023, 11:48:40 am ---I do have 1 comment and curiosity to discuss:
ONE thing I've done that I don't see mention of is that I have made a .reg file so that the various parts of the game knows where SFC is. Many of the missions look into HKLM to see where its parts it, and not the current working directory. I've found that on our modern 64-bit system, the Registry path is changed (because it's a 32-bit game). I didn't see anything that does the same in the 2564 downloads.
--- End quote ---
The registry part was always taken care by the 'SFC Launcher' since we released the 2564 mod.
And it takes in account if the operating system is 32 bit or 64 bit.
--- Quote from: Captain Adam on March 28, 2023, 01:05:05 pm ---Now I get you. That makes more sense. Thank you for the breakdown.
Quite a conundrum. I see why preserving these old scripts are important to you and the whole community in general.
And having to redo and add the columns seems like a tedious and long task. Hmmm.
Will, if you redo the columns, it be necessary to consistently repeat this process every-time another altered or modified shiplists is made. Or is that a one time thing.
--- End quote ---
I am in the best position to fill in the missing columns.
I practiced TDD for the shiplist - test driven development. It'll tell me what is wrong through detection.
See old notes: https://klingon.lostexiles.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=OP%2B_and_Test-Driven_Development#Verbose_output.2C_all_coded_tests
--- Code: ---ok 70 - SpecialRole T are tournament ships
# Check that specialrole 'V' are CARRIER in enhanced shiplist, and they have fighters/PFs
ok 71 - SpecialRole V ships are carriers
# check that excess ?-PE homeworlds are 'R'estricted
ok 72 - Excess -PE homeworlds are 'R'estricted
# Check that all ships have Enhanced Class Type column, and that it is sane.
ok 73 - Enhanced Class Type column is sane
# Check that all ships have Enhanced Production Availability column, and that it is sane.
ok 74 - enhanced Production Availability column is sane
# Check that the enhanced role columns have at least 1 role, and that they are sane.
ok 75 - enhanced role columns are sane
# Check that the enhanced xtech column is sane, and that Xships should have xtech level defined
ok 76 - enhXtech x1 and x2 ship entries are sane
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type FREIGHTER are Freighters in the shiplist
ok 77 - Enhtype freighters are sane
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type CARRIER have fighters, and the fighters are valid
ok 78 - Enhrole carriers are sane
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type PF_TENDER have PFs, and the PFs are valid
ok 79 - Enhrole PF Tenders are sane
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type CARGO have cargo boxes
ok 80 - Enhrole cargo ships are sane
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type REPAIR have repair boxes
ok 81 - Enhrole repair ships are sane
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type BASE are really bases
ok 82 - EnhRole bases are sane
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type LISTENING_POST are really listening posts
ok 83 - EnhRole listening posts are sane
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type PLANET are really planets
ok 84 - EnhRole planets are sane.
# Check that all defense platforms are enhrole LOCAL_DEFENSE, enhtype PLATFORM and have ?DP UI
ok 85 - EnhRole Defense platforms are sane
# Check that all FRDs are enhtype FLEET_REPAIR_DOCK, enhrole REPAIR and have XSS UI
ok 86 - EnhType FRDs are sane
# Check that all enhanced shiplist roles COMMANDO are indeed commando ships and are sane.
ok 87 - EnhRole COMMANDO ships are sane.
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type SHUTTLE are indeed shuttles.
ok 88 - EnhType SHUTTLE entries are sane.
# Check that all enhanced shiplist type ASTEROID are indeed asteroids.
ok 89 - EnhType ASTEROID entries are sane.
# Check that all enhanced shiplist types for monsters are indeed monsters.
--- End code ---
--- Quote from: d4v1ks on March 28, 2023, 01:22:15 pm ---The registry part was always taken care by the 'SFC Launcher' since we released the 2564 mod.
And it takes in account if the operating system is 32 bit or 64 bit.
--- End quote ---
Good enough. Thank you!
--- Quote from: FireSoul on March 27, 2023, 02:39:22 pm ---I have not been able to upscale the game's mouse cursor files, which is a shame. I can certainly convert them to BMP/whatever and upscale that, but this conversion loses information: what parts is transparent. Otherwise we'd have a square. Also, I did try to just replace it with a larger resolution square icon cursor file, but it fails to load. I think we're stuck with the iffy 64x64 cursors.
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The SFC cursors are actually 32x32.
They are very similar to the standard ones, but with some extra twists (I suppose the developers didn't wanted people to mess with them).
But, after looking at it today, and my old BFT project, I'm confident that I'm able to write tools to modify these things, as I already know how they are structured.
But I'm not sure if the cursors can be scaled up. At first look their width apparently seems limited to 32 pixels. Not sure about their height. But I haven't fully tested it yet.
Was curious about these. Never tried to customize them...
--- Quote from: d4v1ks on March 28, 2023, 01:36:33 pm ---
--- Quote from: FireSoul on March 27, 2023, 02:39:22 pm ---I have not been able to upscale the game's mouse cursor files, which is a shame. I can certainly convert them to BMP/whatever and upscale that, but this conversion loses information: what parts is transparent. Otherwise we'd have a square. Also, I did try to just replace it with a larger resolution square icon cursor file, but it fails to load. I think we're stuck with the iffy 64x64 cursors.
--- End quote ---
The SFC cursors are actually 32x32.
They are very similar to the standard ones, but with some extra twists (I suppose the developers didn't wanted people to mess with them).
But, after looking at it today, and my old BFT project, I'm confident that I'm able to write tools to modify these things, as I already know how they are structured.
But I'm not sure if the cursors can be scaled up. At first look their width apparently seems limited to 32 pixels. Not sure about their height. But I haven't fully tested it yet.
Was curious about these. Never tried to customize them...
--- End quote ---
right. 32x32. my bad. I misremembered my own tests.
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