Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum

I played my first SFB game since the early 1980's today..

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I'm sure some one has done the SSDs

I've looked around, but found none suitable. I'll probably create my own, based on ENT observations.

In the show:

Disrupters are comparable to TOS versions but are weaker. A Disrupter 1 is compatible.
Plasma cannons draw directly from a ship's plasma grid.
Phase cannons are directly powered from the Impulse reactors and can be overloaded. There is no banked charge.
Missiles (Spatial & Photonic) are basically sub light drones.
Photon torpedoes are only slightly better than the missiles but can be fired at warp speeds & sustain a warp field, briefly.
Shields are obviously not brilliant, maybe 5 boxes for basic shields.
EM polarised hull plating is just SFB armour that can be reinforced with power & can be repaired by Damage Control, like shields.

You could look into the ships in Y1 and Y2


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