Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum
I played my first SFB game since the early 1980's today..
I'm sure some one has done the SSDs
I've looked around, but found none suitable. I'll probably create my own, based on ENT observations.
In the show:
Disrupters are comparable to TOS versions but are weaker. A Disrupter 1 is compatible.
Plasma cannons draw directly from a ship's plasma grid.
Phase cannons are directly powered from the Impulse reactors and can be overloaded. There is no banked charge.
Missiles (Spatial & Photonic) are basically sub light drones.
Photon torpedoes are only slightly better than the missiles but can be fired at warp speeds & sustain a warp field, briefly.
Shields are obviously not brilliant, maybe 5 boxes for basic shields.
EM polarised hull plating is just SFB armour that can be reinforced with power & can be repaired by Damage Control, like shields.
You could look into the ships in Y1 and Y2
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