Cadet rules = 16 impulses per turn, all turn mode A, no lock-ons, no shield reinforcement, no damage control repairs, no shuttles, no ECM or ECCM, no overloads, no transporter use, no transporter bombs or mines, no shield cost, no life support cost, no mutiny, no HET, no tractor use, etc.
The energy allocation form is very simple. Just fly, manoeuvre & shoot.
What's annoying is that I had a perfect Alpha strike shot, at range 2 hexes, into his number 2 shield...... and threw 3 x 6's (Disrupters) & lots of 4's and 5's with the phaser 2's.
It went downhill rapidly from there.
The Cadet rules F-CA SSD has aft Ph-1, the SFC one doesn't. I didn't notice this until he used them after I'd manoeuvred my D7 for a shot into his aft shield with my aft facing Ph-2's..
The SFB F-CA is OP compared to the K-D7.