Did they fix fighters alpha striking shuttles?
The AI is very poor when interacting with piloted admin shuttles. It treats a F-SH as a F-CA! This means I can launch a F-SH at high speed, provoking the the Klingon/Kzinti AI to launch a scatterpack at it nearly 100% of the time. It is essentially a high-speed weasel if you want to conserve t-bombs. In the early stages of a F-CB vs K-D7W battle, you can very easily get rid of all scatterpack threats in the first four minutes and save your t-bombs for an aft shield Mizia assault.
A fighter squadron will massively overkill an admin shuttle (or a single enemy fighter). Aside from giving fighters ESGs, I can't do much about this flaw in FTR vs SHT and FTR vs FTR interaction.
With the H&S 2.0 series mods, we gave all races PFs. So if you don't like what idiotic attrition units are doing, you can quickjump into the PF and pilot it yourself briefly for a satisfying strike. Then quickjump back to the mothership to stop your own AI from doing something really stupid (which it invariably will do).