I'll have to sit down, for a load of hours, and zip the models up, one by one. Dynaverse needs a special library post page for archiving these models.
I'd not go to that much effort, I'd just ZIP the root directories and have all them zipped that way personally. And compile the credit file as a single document as well. Maybe use RAR as it has a self repair option in case of mild corruption. But I think we're long past the stage where we're downloading model files at 14.4 modem speeds now.
As for the library post page, I think we've all tried contributing to those efforts in the past.. filefront and other ideas come to mind. The problem is that we've all outlasted the storage solutions. That's why I'm putting everything on Box, and when I'm happy with what's there, why I'll also copy it all onto several 64GB USB keys and fire a few off. Thinking of trying of trying to do some form of blockchain archive as well. I'd like the archive to be out there long after it's all irrelevant to anyone.

I'm seeing what's happening when I've relied on others to maintain my stuff, and it's not to slam others, it's a slam at myself. I've had a few hard drive crashes and now that I'm trying to get all the stuff back, no one seems to have much of it. Which, frankly, doesn't speak much of the quality of my work I guess.

Anything Trek has a better chance, but my old TOS Starbase appears to be lost to time for instance, even though I still have some 3dsmax meshes that have made it across through a VM I crated a long time back. (That's how I recovered my Starbug mesh although I had to recreate new textures for it). Wish someone had the insight to back up Outalance and some of those, some of my work I can't find was on there.