Topic: The 3rd Federation - Kzinti War SFC 1 Project Idea  (Read 2387 times)

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Offline Panzergranate

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The 3rd Federation - Kzinti War SFC 1 Project Idea
« on: February 14, 2021, 05:34:12 pm »
After looking into Kzinti Alpha & Beta canon history online, I've had the idea of creating a series of SFC 1 skirmish missions, on FMSE, for the 3rd Federation - Kzinti War during the 2230's.

In Alpha & Beta canon, the extremely warlike Kzinti have been at war with all the principle races of Star Trek, and lost all of them due to poor tactics, inferior starships incompetence and arrogance. Most wars lost to the Lyrans & Klingons.

The 1st war with Earth took place before ST ENT, the 4th war ended in 2257. The 2nd & 3rd wars have no date or duration described, just that the Kzinti lost both of them. The result of the 4th war most likely led to the failed Usurper coop and eventual founding of the WYN star cluster colonies, to which the Usurper fled.

The 2nd war was sometime after the Romulan War, during Starfleet's Warp 5 / Warp 6 starship era, mid to late 2100's.

I'm proposing that the 3rd war took place between 2233 & 2236 during Starfleet's Warp 7 starship era. I'm gradually building up models for the Federation's Kzinti border fleet of the 2230's, I just need to design some Kzinti starships for the same period. these Kzinti starships will need to be even more inferior to the SFB "modern" versions and will most likely look far different.

Anybody have any ideas??

Proposed 2230's Kzinti armament capabilities:

Only Warp 6 capable so warp power considerably stretched, possibly some ships of two nacelle design.
Drone A missiles, most likely in larger racks, possibly only 1 reload on most ships.
No phasers, even Ph3 for point defence.
Disrupters no larger than type 2.
Shields no more than 16 boxes anywhere.
Poor acceleration rate.
Poor manoeuvrability.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: The 3rd Federation - Kzinti War SFC 1 Project Idea
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2021, 11:01:37 am »
Progress so far:

Kzinti Warp 6 Fleet Frigate (KzW6FF) model completed.
Kzinti Warp 6 Light Cruiser (KzW6CL) model completed.
Kzinti Warp 6 Cruiser (KzW6CR) model completed.
Kzinti Warp 6 Battle Cruiser (KzW6BC) model completed. 

In progress:

Kzinti Warp 6 Heavy Cruiser (KzW6CA).
Kzinti Warp 6 Destroyer (KzW6DD).
Kzinti Warp 6 Troopship (KzW6TS).

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: The 3rd Federation - Kzinti War SFC 1 Project Idea
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2021, 11:33:43 am »
Kzinti Warp 6 capable starship design ethos:

All starships now tri-nacelle design.

As a legacy of Warp 5 starships & Kzinti paranoia about having Warp cores in the main hull, MAM reactors are still carried on each nacelle, which are longer than Warp 5 nacelles. This makes for easy mass production, repair and servicing of starships. In the event of an immanent MAM reactor disaster, the offending nacelle can be jettisoned, still leaving the vessel with Warp propulsion. Synchronising the Warp nacelles with each other to attain the best velocities, in the Warp 6 range, now depends on a dedicated computer core in main engineering, rather than skilled engineers.

Disrupter turrets carry their own Fusion APR reactor. This allows turrets to be added to or removed from, a vessel or station, without the hassle of plumbing into the main power grid. This also allows for warships to carry more disrupters.

Kzinti top military analysts had concluded that they lost all the past wars (that they started) with the Klingons, Lyrans, Federation, Andorians, Tellarites, Vulcans, Terrans, etc. was down to not launching enough drone missiles (and not poor tactics coupled with inferiors ships commanded by poor leaders). Therefore Kzinti Warp 6 warships carry more missile launchers than their previous Warp 5 counterparts, allowing for bigger salvoes.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2021, 05:20:30 pm by Panzergranate »
The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!