Topic: SFB Frax Minor Race Ships for SFC 1.  (Read 2707 times)

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Offline Panzergranate

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SFB Frax Minor Race Ships for SFC 1.
« on: November 26, 2020, 08:51:23 am »
Here's my take on the SFB Frax minor race from the SSD's in Captain's Module P1.

The BC is extrapolated by myself to fill in the gap for this role in the Frax fleet.

According to what I have read and suggestions for Federation & Empire, in Captain's Module P1, the Frax are one of the races known to be found inside the Kaltic Free States bordering the rear of the Klingon Empire, Lyran Empire & Kzinti Hegemony. No location of a home world or territory is specified. They seem to be mostly isolationists but do trade with the WYN on occasions. They are not expansionists so do not partake in deep space exploration.

There have been run ins with the Klingons, Kzinti and Lyrans where scouts, survey vessels & freighters have trespassed into Frax space. Also encounters with Orion Pirates regarding escorted convoys traveling to and from the WYN star cluster.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: SFB Frax Minor Race Ships for SFC 1.
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2020, 03:09:23 pm »
I've added a few more ships since this was posted, which are found in this updated download.

I've added a Frax small freighter of my own design , though there isn't an SSD for a Frax FS in SFB.

Also a load of whatever you want to fly versus each Frax ship type on its own test battles, plus two Frax skirmish scenarios:

The Frax Incident (play as Klingon or Lyran versus Frax) and Orion Frax Convoy Attack.
The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!