Topic: USS Legacy fleet with other various race ships (ULYSSES class WIP)  (Read 2176 times)

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Offline Commander_Graham

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Greetings Starfleet command,

Was getting sick of having zero feedback from the hotnspicy forums, So here is a link to my Portfolio and My most recent Models with some ship portraits I made because I was sick to death of thinking the Klingon light cruiser was going to be cool looking but its a junk hauler.

Can anyone help me with making and applying textures? Ive tried to ask for help like this for the last several months and got no feedback besides maybe 120 downloads at most of my status screenshots. 

Here is a link to my current portfolio of models since the site is being really anal about 2048 KB images:

Also can someone show me how to add a profile picture?

This 2048 KB per attachment thing is really annoying to even make my first post.... Im not trying to send a pic the size of a small moon ffs.... And I have no idea why we need to perform mission f*cking impossible with 5000 captchas with attack helicopters, electric moats, armed guards, angry Trek fans, and a small Romulan Warship waiting in the final room to blast us with a close range plasma torpedo. What the f*ck? this isnt how you keep a site going at all!

It was a heros journey just to make this first post.

Signing off.

Commander Graham, USS Legacy

(I could have shown some of my better models but the site wont let me post those. Theyre in my portfolio.)

Offline Nemesis

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Re: USS Legacy fleet with other various race ships (ULYSSES class WIP)
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2020, 06:39:42 pm »
And I have no idea why we need to perform mission f*cking impossible with 5000 captchas with attack helicopters, electric moats, armed guards, angry Trek fans, and a small Romulan Warship waiting in the final room to blast us with a close range plasma torpedo. What the f*ck? this isnt how you keep a site going at all!

Spammers.  Even with all that there are days I delete literally PAGES of spam postings.
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Offline Commander_Graham

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Re: USS Legacy fleet with other various race ships (ULYSSES class WIP)
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2020, 07:10:13 pm »
And I have no idea why we need to perform mission f*cking impossible with 5000 captchas with attack helicopters, electric moats, armed guards, angry Trek fans, and a small Romulan Warship waiting in the final room to blast us with a close range plasma torpedo. What the f*ck? this isnt how you keep a site going at all!

Spammers.  Even with all that there are days I delete literally PAGES of spam postings.

OH, thank you for the info.
Youre right, most of those spammer types dont have the attention span to get past all those captchas even once.

Did not mean to come off as a somehting im not in my first impression.

  No idea why someone would spam in a place like this. Its one of the last actual game forums on the internet that isnt ban happy as hell.
  If this were most other forums, Id have been banned for what I just posted out of sheer frustration in this thread when you can clearly see I am not a troll.
  Ban happiness is all the rage these days im afraid.

 KF directed me here to share my models since Hotnspicy is a bit more niche. As I stated I have a lot more models than what I posted here as I only posted the Ship portraits I made last week since most of my screenshots are over 2048 kb, theyre between 2-3 MB, which is not that much of a difference.

I had remade some beloved ships from my childhood like the Loknar, Abbe, Ulysses, etc. and got fed up enough with looking at that teasing eyesore of a Klingon light cruiser portrait I made my own KCL, the Vahk'Ruut Light cruiser and I think I posted it somewhere around here already, even with the comparison of the original vs my original Portrait.
Not going to post them yet as I dont want to come off as a spammer, since I normally post something once I am happy with it and deem it worth sharing like some of the old veterans around here like Darkdrone, who inspired me as a kid with their ship designs that KF used in his OP install he shared with me.

Would like to see the original X ships one day. since ive never played a vanilla SFC:OP but ive played vanilla SFC1 and 3.