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Help with installation of SFC I (yes, ONE, 1) after too many years!

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For the past few years, I've been running an enhanced version SFC 1 game on 3 older dedicated PC's, one a laptop running Vista and a pair of Gateway P3 500 LS desktops (one's a tower), both running Windows ME (Migraine Edition). They link together via one of my home's wireless LAN networks. It's been many years since I've run a multiplayer LAN game here though.

I have the original pre-release demo of SFC 1 as well.

Enhanced verson?

I added in more planets, ships, things also fighter for the other races. I run over 250 ships in the library and use the Eagle Eye Software's SFC Mission Builder to create missions and scenarios for single player and multiplayer LAN games.

I have also created my own models over the years for SFC 1.

I might ask you sometime if I can see some of those planet models, ship models, and missions.
It sounds like you rejuvenated a 25+ year old game!

Actually a 21 year old game (1999 to 2020)!!

I recently acquired a copy of the SFB 1991 Captain's Module P1 on E-Bay, as it has the Frax fleet included. I'm in the process of converting the Frax SSD's into the SFC shiplist file using Ship Edit an using placeholder hull models to test them out. I'll then have a go at modelling them actual ships (which have no official SFB models). Then again if somebody else does a better job, then I'll use their models.


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