Topic: A little help with the Marketplace  (Read 3571 times)

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Offline Aberdeen

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A little help with the Marketplace
« on: October 06, 2020, 09:48:20 pm »
Hi there. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I've looked for some kind of "help" resource and couldn't find any. Could be I'm just dumb and it's right in front of my face, and if so I'm sorry I missed it. Anyway, I just rediscovered the original SFC, spent a couple weeks trying in vain to get SFC3 to work, and finally decided it's about time I got myself a copy of SFC2, since I've heard it's the best.

Trouble is the Dynaverse market doesn't seem to deliver anywhere. I live in Hawaii, so I'm used to being able to ship everything out here, but I also have family on the mainland who are gracious enough to let me order stuff to their address, which they then send to me.

Imagine my surprise when the Market says there aren't any carriers who ship to Washington State of all places. Can somebody help me out here? Is it just impossible to order the game?

I have another question as welll: when going through checkout I noticed that the SFC2 Community Edition is "online only." Does that mean it's actually a download? And is this the full game or just a patch? Is this the only way to get a copy of the game now?

I'm kinda desperate to get my hands on a copy of SFC2. There really aren't any games like the SFC series and probably won't be for a long time yet, and I really want to relive the experiences I so treasured with the first SFC... but with new and better content.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: A little help with the Marketplace
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2020, 11:46:40 pm »
Get SFC2 Orion Pirates, which has a online multiplayer campaign. SFC2 EAW is dead. SFC Community Edition is dead and obsolete.

The marketplace only sells digital downloads for $6 worldwide. Nobody gets CDs in the mail. You get an .iso archive that you open with MagicIso.

Offline Aberdeen

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Re: A little help with the Marketplace
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2020, 01:15:03 pm »
Awesome! Thanks a million!