Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum
Spiritual Successor to SFC
I've been working on a thing in Unity. I don't have a name for it and it barely functions with very bare bones systems, minimum art.
I wanted to get everyone's input on what a modern SFC like game would play like?
While part of me is concerned that you copied so many elements of SFC that you could get sued if you tried to sell it. That looks really cool at the same time. There’s a group of us working on updating SFC, you can find us here:
I think we’d love to see some of your ideas.
That's always been something on my mind ;D I wanted to get the gameplay right before rearranging too many things around in the UI. My focus will be on managing utility ships such as troop carriers, tow-ships, cargo, and sensors/science ships. I'll probably end up disabling the majority of UI controls and delegating that out to other specialized ships that can take full advantage of their abilities.
If you’re not going to sell it and you use generic ships you should be okay if you are not selling it. Otherwise yeah you’d have to rearrange the UI quite a bit. Please stop by the place I listed, I think they’d be interested in what you are working on.
I posted there with an updated image https://hotandspicyforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=30209&from_new_topic=1
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