Taldrenites > Starfleet Command CD Key Issues

Purchased Digital Download of SFC II: EAW - no CD key info

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Hello all,
I just recently purchased and downloaded SFC II:EAW from Dynaverse.net, and I installed it on my Windows 10 machine.
The game boots up fine, but during the intro, stops, and asks for my CD key (I can't find this info anywhere in the emails from Dynaverse
after purchasing).

I apologize if I missed this - does anyone know how to locate or generate the CD key?


First-time SFC Player: Jonbre

While you’re waiting, you may want to pick up SFC OP.  It’s what people are moving to along with SFC III.  Should be able to find these on Good ole Games or Steam if you can’t find it here.  You can find more resources here:


Hope this helps.

Thanks, Javora. Did I end up purchasing the wrong game? Can I add SFC: OP to my edition of SFC: EAW?
I’m also looking for the best patch to go with this game - hopefully something to smooth out the graphics and stabilize it a bit on Windows 10.  What’s the best one in your opinion?

SFC OP is a stand alone game.  It has everything SFC II plus playable pirates and X-Ships.  SFC II is IMHO practically dead.  The site I listed will get you going and playing online in no time.

Thank you for the information, Javora.  Does that mean that SFC Vol 2: EAW's campaigns, cutscenes, stories, etc., are included in SFC: OP?
I guess I may have purchased the wrong version of the game!


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