Topic: Bolt-Firing Primaries + Warping Targets = BAD  (Read 32092 times)

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Re: Bolt-Firing Primaries + Warping Targets = BAD
« Reply #80 on: March 08, 2003, 11:07:40 pm »

  What I meant was that firing while at warp should be removed altogether. is seems to me that that is what is causing problems.

I mention the PvP because the REST of us need to fire pretty damned fast to stop the warp daggers. (see above post on anti-warp tactics). I just find it completely unnessary to remove the klingons one major weakness. That would be like giving the borg shields to prevent core attacks, rather than just strengthening their cores. Players are smart enough to handle the problem, in all cases. Computer players don't really count for anything. Bases would be helped by this.

And 2 heavies is my custom falcon, that you said you were going to use, for some reason.

I mean, before, the Romulan cloaks could be broken like windows 95. Rather than go cannon and making cloak completely undeectable, they opted merely to lower probes, and nothing else in the Beta. It's made a world of difference, believe me.


you realy cant belive this about it being the klingons only  weekness if you do you realy need to fly klingon more because you apperantly have not played them much ether that or you are feeding us a bunch of s---  


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Re: Bolt-Firing Primaries + Warping Targets = BAD
« Reply #81 on: March 09, 2003, 05:21:53 am »
Personaly I found the Klingons to have many strong characteristics that over came there weaknesses.

My overwealmingly blue oppinion on this is, that Klingons do good enough as it is. I played a coueple of warp dancing Fed DN's and found them to be easy targets in the grand scheme of things, especialy seems they lined up for a full frontal warp attack (how silly). Those K-Torps overloaded do a great deal of damage against there unprotected hulls, also the Ion cannon appears to hit a lot at warp (note, appears). This MORE than makes up for it, especialy when you consider the ability to cloak makes warp dancing tougher.



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Re: Bolt-Firing Primaries + Warping Targets = BAD
« Reply #82 on: March 09, 2003, 12:32:54 pm »
  You really need to play around if you think any of the other weaknesses are unique to klingons.



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Re: Bolt-Firing Primaries + Warping Targets = BAD
« Reply #83 on: March 09, 2003, 12:59:06 pm »
 I?m not sure about this, I?ve been hit by bolt firing weapons several times, and if you?re having trouble with a warp jumper, cloak and sneak up on them. If you line up right behind the warp jumper you won?t have much of an AV to make it hard to hit the target.    

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Bolt-Firing Primaries + Warping Targets = BAD
« Reply #84 on: January 17, 2019, 06:05:04 pm »
All this could have been solved by changing four bytes of data in SFC3.exe. Taldren could have set the Klingon Disruptor speed at 30000 instead of 6500 in that floating point immediate value.

Warp flybys of Klingon bases and planets would not be so easy.

My 535 build of SFC3.exe will fix this problem, 15 years late, but better than never.

Offline Javora

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Re: Bolt-Firing Primaries + Warping Targets = BAD
« Reply #85 on: January 17, 2019, 09:39:06 pm »
Post that again somewhere else so I can hit the like button...  lol

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Bolt-Firing Primaries + Warping Targets = BAD
« Reply #86 on: January 18, 2019, 02:59:39 am »
Disruptors with a speed of 2000, which is ten times the default tactical warp speed, are effective against warping targets.

I tried to destroy a Klingon Battlestation in a light cruiser via the brilliant warp flyby tactic. It's an easy task against speed-650 bolts. I cannot easily win if the base has speed-2000 bolts. The damage on bare hull adds up, just as it does when facing Fed, Rom, and Borg bases.

0x0001DF1D is the address of the little-endian float variable for internal Disruptor Bolt speed.

Default bytes are 00 20 CB 45 (6500.0f).

I recommend 00 40 9C 46 (20000.0f).

Klingon planets, ships, and bases will no longer be extremely easy to defeat with warp strafing.

The other races can easily hit warping targets with Phasers, R-Disruptors, and Cutting Beams. The Klingons (or any race that uses Disruptor primary weapons) can do that too with faster Disruptor Bolt speed.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2019, 03:06:11 am by TarMinyatur »