Greetings all,
My names Ash and I've been playing the SFC for many years. Its definitly one of my all time fave Trek games, and now I've been able to update it to play on my current PC, Im a very happy man.
I wanted to start a topic solely for attempting to use the SweetFX/Reshade injector for Starfleet Command series. For those who have not heard of SweetFX before, its a injector application that adds post processing effects to games,videos etc basically adding a filter over the top of your game and "dramatically" changing the visual fidelity. Over the weekend I recently managed to re install another classic Trek game, Klingon Academy. I installed a Komat's HD patch
and been able to happily play that and SFC OP this weekend which has been great..
Last night I decided to have a quick shot at installing SweetFX into Klingon Academy using the Reshade tool. At first, I was unsuccessful. (When the game first boots up when using Reshade, white text appears in the top left corner of the screen, which is a indication that its active) and I nearly decided to call it quits as both KA and SFC are pretty old games. My last go at installing this was by using an older version of the Reshade too and using a graphics preset for another game I play (Alien Isolation). Started the game and was shocked that it loaded the preset and was working flawlessly. The result was incredible. Now, when I say incredible, do remember both KA and SFC are old windows games and were not going to get HD effects like motion blur, lens flares etc. That being said, I was amazed on how much more detailed KA looked. The ship models are more defined, Carona's/Suns feel a lot brighter and real like they should. Everything just feels...better. I'll update this post with some screenshots of KA over the next few days to show how much its changed. Currently at work which sucks
Since I had this working correctly for KA, I decided to copy the details over to SFCOP. For some weird reason, it just wont start, and no mater how I installed Reshade etc, it's like somethings stopping it from starting up.Now, Im not no technical wizard by a long shot, but as I've recently discovered this community that have done an amazing job of bringing SFC back from the dead, I thought I would ask you guys for help/experience, dedicated to getting Reshade/SweetFX to work with SFC.
Im hoping that someone on here with a more technical knowhow will be able to help.