Why not just change the shiplist so the entire gorn race is at the top of the list, including donated ships. (and put the rest of the races back in the normal order... (unless you're using more than one donor race) - edit ah I see you're using the feds to donate fighters that explains the order, why not use a np race (mirak?) to donate fighters from the top of the list like you have done for the PFs, just put the whole of the donor races at the top and it should work ok, not too late to change...

oops another edit: oh I see you have the thols in the gorn slot... confusing... the feds are donating fighters to the gorn which are in turn donating PFs to everyone else and serving as the Thols!?
I'd use one empire at the top to donate fighters and another to donate PFs (the whole of the empires should be placed at the top),
lets see, if we have native Klingons, Roms and Feds with the Thols in another empire slot, that leaves five slots to pick for donors:
Mirak (fighter donor)
ISC (fighter donor)
Lyran (PF donor)
Hydran (fighter donor)
Gorn (PF donor)
so how about (in order):
Lyran (PF donor), whole empire
Mirak (fighter donor), whole empire
...remaining emires and cartels in the normal order. (Gorns still as Thols)
If you wish to avoid crossover of donated PFs and fighters to enemy races availability then move the Thols to a fighter slot and use two PF races and two fighter races at the top of the list to donate fighters and PFs...
a fair bit of work to re-do it, but not that much... may not be worth it if you have already pulled the missions affected by the current shiplist.