Picard and STD are products of a spin off company from Bad Reboot, Secret Hideout. There is actually quite a lot going on behind the scenes that has been ripping Trek apart for a very long time. First, JJ has been planting people working for him all around Hollywood and commandeering one franchise after another and doing what they did to Trek and Star Wars. Then there is the licensing arrangement. BR/SH are unwilling to let go of Trek, and even after licensees are willing to walk away from all their old merchandise (which is still selling) when forced to choose between the old Trek and new (which is NOT selling), they still won't give up.
Also, you will notice the intentional differences when they do bring in old stuff. Again for license agreements. STD and Picard are NOT part of original Star Trek canon. Legally, they are intentionally different and not beholden to the same canon as TOS, TNG, VOY or ENT. This is intentional because they are working with a split license between CBS and Paramount. Remerging might have changed some things, but then retardoflu comes along and we'll see if Viacom even continues to own Star Trek at this point.
One thing that old Trek was, was it was intellectual, and philosophical. When you watched Trek, you could tell it was written by intelligent, well read individuals and even when there was a misstep, there was an optimism about it, even when they delved into deeper, and sometimes darker topics. Some people say "it was always political" and I disagree. It was intelligent, if flawed, and it was philosophical. The new stuff IS political, which is to say I meant that in the crass, vulgar sense that you see on the likes of CNN. Then we rebooted in 2009 and got Kirk proclaiming "I WAS BORN IN SPACE THUNDERSTORM!!" This new stuff is so nihilistic and narcissistic. There were plenty of flaws in the old- I'm not a fan of how they wrote female characters for the most part for instance, but it was largely consistent enough to swallow and be entertained. This new stuff? I don't even need to go into the clips I've seen of current cast members whining at conventions and scolding fans because old Trek was so bigoted and now "muh diversity!!"
I have not watched STD or Picard. Everything I have seen from them was enough to make me say "this is not Trek." Space autististic Spock telling the crew "I like science."? What the crap. I am on STO and they recently had a featured mission with Seven of Nine. No jumpsuit, but ok, that's fine. Nice to see her again in the game, or in general. One line of dialogue in to her voice over and I was immediately like "this is NOT Seven of Nine." Completely different character with different traits and quirks. Everything I have seen from 2009 and on? I just can't disengage my brain down t a low enough level to enjoy it.
It's a train wreck and they've driven out well over half the fan base. that by itself is not Star Trek.
This isn't the same debate as days of old over what is canon and what isn't. You can't even consider the new series to be canon if for no other reason than the license Secret Hideout is operating under won't allow it to be canon. They are just keeping quiet on it because they need to keep up the illusion for marketing reasons that it's all under the same umbrella, but from every stand point, this stuff has almost nothing to do with the original Star Trek. It's more like comparing Star Wars with the original Battlestar Galactica. It's obvious that they were desperate to cash in on the Star Wars craze, so they just took as much as possible and then allowed studio exec meddling to separate it enough for their own poor tastes and to avoid getting sued. Same thing here. SH wants their own mercandise and their own cash cow to milk for 50 years, but they are struggling with the original bovine, who is still alive and kicking, despite how many times they try to kill it off for their own greed.