Topic: SFCOP+ - Questions and Bug? - Fighter UI "Fix"  (Read 14227 times)

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Offline Kumerian14

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Re: SFCOP+ - Questions and Bug? - Fighter UI "Fix"
« Reply #40 on: June 08, 2018, 10:11:51 am »
PFs can perhaps be made affordable, in terms of prestige, in the file.

PF = 1.0 // change to 0.5 to cut cost in half

So a 100 bpv PF can cost 100 prestige instead of 500 prestige. Unless PFs are treated exactly as fighters in spacedock. I don't see a PF item in spacedock.

::)  Oops.  I had forgotten about that Economy setting temporarily.  I'll fiddle with that and see how it works.

Hopefully, that should settle one of the remaining problems with fighters / PFs, as the BPVs have to be set artificially high to obtain the correct icons in the shuttle bay UI.

Thanks again for all your help.  I'll get this beast working yet!
« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 12:15:54 pm by Kumerian14 »
"Never fight a battle you do not have to win." - Captain Kumerian, Klingon Defense Force