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Topic: Where are the good news?  (Read 4939 times)

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Offline d4v1ks

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Where are the good news?
« on: March 24, 2017, 05:33:49 pm »
Dead links...
Dead people (with all the respect they deserve)...
Dead projects...
Dead expectations..


Where are all the good news about the recent developments?

Do you know that is possible to play in higher resolutions these days, like 1920x1080, in SFC2 EAW, OP, and SFC 3?
Do you know that a lot of bugs were fixed, and added to SFCOP 2563 or SFC 2 EAW 2037 for example?
That you can edit and replace all the images from the sprites.q3, if you want?
Do you know that is already possible to host your own campaigns, in a private LAN, or public server, without any need of Dynaverse or Gamespy services? That you can host your owns?

Do you know that new patchs are coming soon, that people made a interesting and huge pack for SFC3?
Yes, people are still working on SFC games, and producing some nice things.


Do you understand that most people, that have interest on these things, don't even know where to look, or that these even exists?
That it is all buried and split under a lot of dense topics in this place?

We know SFC CE failed its expectations, that is a broken game, that it was discontinued after its release... That all the people that advertised a SFC 4 version, wherever they are, left this place through the small door.
People failed, people have played with you, people lied to you.

But hey, don't give up!
This year you are gonna see some good things also.

Theres is a new SFC Launcher coming, a new SFC OP HD patch, a new SFC 3 HD patch. Maybe 1 or 2 more sweets, like a new campaign map editor, or a new model viewer.
Other people are actively working on a new SFC 3 pack too.

Who knows about the next year!!
Maybe here, maybe not here. There is alternatives!
I bet, you, or these games, will survive with or without this place.

2016 was such a good year for SFC!! Cheer up!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 05:52:39 pm by d4v1ks »
"But he isn't wearing anything at all!" (The Emperor's New Clothes)

Offline Javora

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Re: Where are the good news?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2017, 09:25:06 pm »
A moderator needs to reorganize and update this place in the worst way.  If the current mods are unable to do so than may I suggest allowing Tar, Carlos or myself to make this place more user-friendly...

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Where are the good news?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2017, 10:41:54 pm »
Yes, 2016 has been a good year for SFC. A few of us, working together, now have enough knowledge to slowly modify the game to keep it alive. A good forum is part of the survival of SFC. The current forum is fine for us old-timers. But anyone who buys Orion Pirates on the marketplace today should enjoy an uncluttered, bright welcome room. To me, that means three links to the OP/EAW/CE patches and a FAQ. What does it mean to you?

That player can later explore the SFC archive that Dynaverse has accumulated over the past ten years.

If Javora or Nemesis or Sirgod could do this, that would be great. I guess I could do it too, but I'd rather get back to working on the 2.564 patch than rearrange a forum.

Offline Javora

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Re: Where are the good news?
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2017, 07:13:19 am »
And that is the reason why I volunteered for this.  Because I don't really have the time to code and after 22 years of not coding my brain is as rusty as it gets.  But organization comes easily for me.  Carlos and Tar's time is far too invaluable for grunt work like this.  The trick to this sort of project is making things simple to find yet keeping the nostalgia and history of the past.  If one of the mods decide to do it themselves, that's great to.  I'd be more than happy to let them pick my brain...  what's left of it anyway.  lol.

Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: Where are the good news?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2017, 09:09:52 am »
I don't have any problems with someone(s) helping out in regards to the site.

However, I'm trying to understand the motivation here. Tar, I trust. He's been here for a  LOOONG time....but Javora you and Daviks... you're underlying attitude seems to be boarderline passive-aggressive and you've both gotten pretty frustrated with what has been termed "the pace of progress" here and expressed your disdain for such - heck one of you even said to heck with D.Net at one point, ammirite?

So it's a bit difficult for me to take your offers of "assistance" and "help" at face value and not consider what will happen when, inevitably, we disagree on something and you don't get the decision you wish. Will you simply "quit" as a sign of protest, or will you accept the decision and move on? One's behavior in the forums are really the only true indicator of motive when it comes to this, which is why I've mentioned it. You are *all* right when we talk about the gains the community has made in the last year, thanks totally to the works YOU all do - so to have some staff drama spoil all that over a disagreement in opinion or what not, I'm not interested in that, if you can understand and appreciate it.

SFC:CE's primary engineer just passed away, and I've been working on updating the webs for a proper memorial. I'm also unemployed at the moment, so D.Net gets even less of my attention. I had to do some creative engineering to just keep things running for right now, so I'd appreciate some concise, direct communication on what types of actions are being proposed, and I'd prefer that conversation via email:


Feel free to post a good email in this thread if you'd like to be a contributing member of this email discussion, and then I'll spin it up.

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Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Where are the good news?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2017, 10:57:54 am »
Agreed. We don't need to manufacture drama here. Let's try to be practical and put our energies towards content creation and player assistance. Everything else is a waste of time. May Donald rest in peace.

Look at this guy, he's really enjoying 2.563! https://www.youtube.com/user/Mirak117

Let's get back to work on 2.564.

Offline Javora

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Re: Where are the good news?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2017, 06:13:25 pm »
Not sure what being here a long time has to do with my offer, but just for the record I've been here or at Taldren since SFC II was released.  So fair to say that I've been here longer than a minute.  More importantly I'm still here after a lot of people have left, including a lot of your moderators.  I see the frustration from people asking for support help here or complaining about it in various places like YouTube saying in one case that "Support is nonexistent" and that "You have to really hunt for updates".  Those are the issues I would like to see addressed.  How those issues are handled is totally up to you.  Not trying to start drama, just offering to help the best way I can.  Sorry to hear about your unemployment and Donald's death (was that Strat?) however this is the first time I have heard any of this until now.  That IMHO communication is a large part of the issue and frustration.

For almost a decade, this has been a house divided.  Do you think maybe Frey it's time to offer a olive branch to Pun and company?

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Where are the good news?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2017, 06:53:46 pm »
Strat is alive and well, I assume.

Exeter (Donald Poindexter) had been suffering from debilitating strokes and had serious vision problems that made it difficult for him to type. I wish he were fit as a fiddle. But I believe he has passed. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Donald, but we don't have dozens of people working on SFC source code...just Strat and Exeter. I think Strat's ok.

Offline Javora

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Re: Where are the good news?
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2017, 12:06:52 am »
Wow.  So sorry to hear that, he was a very nice guy.  I new Donald/Exeter had health issues but didn't think it was that bad.

