Topic: Maintenance / Upgrades  (Read 5152 times)

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Maintenance / Upgrades
« on: February 24, 2017, 01:14:04 pm »
Happy Friday!

We're going to be doing some upgrades and moving some infrastructure around, and to do this, we unfortunately have to shut down the servers and switch gear.

This maintenance will begin
early Saturday morning 2/25/2017, and likely proceed through the day.
This will allow us to throw down some additional networking throughout the office and resolve a couple other minor electrical issues.

Don't forget, you can always use our Facebook page to check the status of any maintenance, create discussions, etc!

Please bear with us, and we apologize in advance for this inconvenience!


-The D.Net Admin Team
Vice President of Technology,
Dynaverse Gaming Association
Owner, CEO XenoCorp Inc.