Topic: No Missions (No Tutorials, No Skirmish Maps, no Campaign Missions) in SFC : CE  (Read 13533 times)

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Offline Kryptk9

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If you are on windows 10, it won't install for some reason and so what I did was install it on a Windows 2000 virtual machine (It has to be 2000 or XP because of NT kernel and compatibility with win10). Then I copied the installation to my win10 computer and also on the virtual machine, I found the registry file that points to where the OP installation is and I exported that and also copied that into my win10 machine. I right-clicked to edit the registry file to point it where I put the installation folder and then double clicked it to save it into the registry. It should run after that, you also have to run the .exe in 16-bit colour mode.

I found the solution on this thread:,163394481.100.html

Offline ObsidianShiar

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Generally, games that use InstallShield 5 have issues with running the setup executable on newer systems (I recall even having that problem on WinXP SP3 in its last year). I recently came to a wacky solution that I still have to confirm - run the setup program and leave it to stay in the memory for a while. Close it with Task Manager, then turn the computer off and on again (not sure if a proper restart affects this), and run the setup again. This worked for SFC OP and FIFA 2000 recently for me.

Offline TarMinyatur

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I downloaded OP as well from Dynaverse and unfortunately it will not even install. I have turned off UAC and the frustrating part is, that I had this installed previously working just fine. I'm not sure what happened between then and now.

Matthias, your .iso may be blocked by Windows 10. Right click the .iso, choose "properties". If it is blocked, unblock it and "apply" your choice. Turn off your antivirus software before you install the game.

Offline Modeus

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Is there any solution to the 'no missions' problem other than resetting windows? I've tried everything else in this forum, and I don't have the ability to replace everything (at least not at the moment) I would lose with a reset...