Topic: Problems with new models in SFC2: CE  (Read 4116 times)

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Offline isaac.reg

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Problems with new models in SFC2: CE
« on: September 28, 2016, 03:06:56 am »
I've downloaded a bunch of models to use in SFC2: CE, but with one exception they all show up in-game without textures - solid white. I've followed the directions correctly (downloading the model to a new folder, updating the model geometry in shiplist.txt) but nothing seems to work. The models show up fine in the viewer, though. Any idea what the problem might be? I've downloaded the latest patch.

I've downloaded models from here:

The only one I can get to work, Moonraker's K'Tinga, is from the latter. I'm trying to figure out what's different about it but no luck so far. Any help would be appreciated.

Offline jayvt3

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Re: Problems with new models in SFC2: CE
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2016, 01:54:47 pm »
hey Isaac, Jay here.  I've had that problem as well with SFC1, EAW and OP.  what I found out is;

1.  check to be sure the shiplist geometry is correct.

2.  re-check to be sure the shiplist geometry is correct.  think like a carpenter.  measure twice, cut once.

3.  some of the models use hi-resolution textures.  512, 1024 and in the case of WZ45, they're bigger.  check to see if your computer's graphics card is able to run the graphics.  I am using a F-CA model by Khaliban with hi-res textures as a F-CB(Heavy Command Cruiser), F-CB+(Enhanced version), F-CBR(Refitted version) and F-CBV(Carrier version).

my GEOMETRY reads;


4.  if you installed the models, updated the ASSET shiplist and the META-ASSET shiplist AND THEN ran the have to re-do your work with both shiplists.  remember, SFC-CE, EAW and OP have TWO shiplists and fighterlist files.  and the information has to be IDENTICAL with both.  wrong in one, wrong with two.

5.  while you can rename the .mod file, you can not rename the texture files.  I'm not sure why but I tried and it never works.  so be sure that the texture files have their original names.

6.  ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS make a copy of the original shiplist and original fighterlist files.  I have a folder specifically for them named ORIGINAL LISTS, with a sub-folder named ORIGINAL META-LISTS.  I even rename the original shiplist files as "ORIGINALshiplist".

well I hope this helps. 

Offline Vipre

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Re: Problems with new models in SFC2: CE
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2016, 11:18:53 pm »
5.  while you can rename the .mod file, you can not rename the texture files.  I'm not sure why but I tried and it never works.  so be sure that the texture files have their original names.

It never works because the texture name is stored in the mod file. The model looks for that specific texture name regardless of what you rename the model to.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 11:30:52 pm by Vipre »
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Offline jayvt3

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Re: Problems with new models in SFC2: CE
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2016, 11:04:42 pm »
5.  while you can rename the .mod file, you can not rename the texture files.  I'm not sure why but I tried and it never works.  so be sure that the texture files have their original names.

It never works because the texture name is stored in the mod file. The model looks for that specific texture name regardless of what you rename the model to.

is there a way to alter it?

Offline Vipre

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Re: Problems with new models in SFC2: CE
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2016, 01:15:02 am »
Short answer: Sure, edit the model.
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Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: Problems with new models in SFC2: CE
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2016, 10:08:25 pm »
It is generally easier to modify the textures rather than the ship
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Offline jayvt3

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Re: Problems with new models in SFC2: CE
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2016, 11:13:44 pm »
It is generally easier to modify the textures rather than the ship

I do that.  add phaser banks to secondary hull.  correct spelling of ship's names(look for JOHN PUAL JONES).