It's really hard for me to take criticisms seriously when someone improperly uses "cannon" and "financier" instead of "canon" and "financial."

The ships ID's have always been a spotty point for tracking Starfleet - was the
Constellation (1071) than much older than
Enterprise (1701)? No, it was just easier to make from a AMT plastic kit's decals. They made it clear it was a warp-4 ship, so it's older than Archer's "E," NX number be damned. At least they tied Elba's character to ST "past" with MACO and Xindi references. (Oops, spoiler, I guess).
The less said about the motorcycle scene, the better.
At nearly $300 million worldwide so far, STB may not be the runaway hit Paramount wanted but not a bomb either. Whether or not this will impact the "next" film remains to be seen. However... wanting the films and new TV show to fail in the hopes of getting a new game is, as a Vulcan acquaintance says, highly illogical. If ST dies, it takes the games/books/tie-ins with it. Sorry, my level of schadenfreude doesn't rise to the level of self-injury. Let's hope some lessons can be learned and they'll stop hiring action directors to make what should be a sci-fi film. Frankly, that's been the problem with almost all of the ST movies - action and explosions with cardboard villains instead of the intelligence and thoughtful characters that Trek TV did, thanks as much to Berman and Braga as to Fontana and Coon.