Topic: Sooo, a lot (almost all?) of the SFC model hosting sites are now gone...  (Read 4281 times)

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Offline EschelonOfJudgemnt

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Hey guys!

I just did some checking of the old sites (battleclinic, etc.), and it would appear that the SFC model hosting sites mentioned in the links sticky thread are largely abandoned/disappeared/no longer online.

Firesoul's site is still up, but the models that he chose to  include in OP 4.1.1 are buried in an .exe. has a link to his site under the downoads section.

I did note that Darkdrone is doing the dropbox thing.

Just wondering if there would be any interest amongst the modelers here for a new repository.  Hosting plans these days are very reasonable (100GB of storage for cheap, as an example), and if there is sufficient interest, this might be a fun project...

Of course, since the lion's share of modelers haven't logged in in a bit, it may be difficult to track down some of them.  Of course, one wouldn't want to host any models unless permission was given first.

With the recent activity with Q3 and sfc.exe modifications, there does seem to be a small but active group around here that is still interested in this game.

I've been following this game since the SFC 1 days, and although I'm not a modeler myself, I do still enjoy playing this game and know my way around some of the more basic stuff (shiplist mods and such).

Anyways, just wondering if there is sufficient interest out there for a new model repository.  And/or a more up to date list of links to other repositories that are still online.


Offline TAnimaL

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Re: Sooo, a lot (almost all?) of the SFC model hosting sites are now gone...
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2015, 08:49:30 am »
I'm interested as I'm sure many others are, it's just that sticky question of permissions. I've downloaded a ton over the years for personal use but I would feel squirmy about just throwing them back online somewhere. Still, these models were put online by the makers, and as long as there's credits and/or permissions in  a readme, what's the difference from something being on "Joe's Quality Used Spaceships" as opposed to Battleclinic, et. al.

Offline EschelonOfJudgemnt

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Re: Sooo, a lot (almost all?) of the SFC model hosting sites are now gone...
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2015, 10:29:55 pm »
Yeah, I'm fully aware that the permissions thing is very important amongst this group.  Plus a few people haven't been by these parts in years.

I still remember when Brezgonne pulled his Tholian models way back when.  Don't remember exactly why, but it's just one example of honoring people's wishes.  I certainly wouldn't want to host models without the author's permissions.  However, for those that might want to contribute to a new repository, well I'd just like  to see the new people interested in this game (admittedly, a small handful), say that discover SFC1 through GOG or Amazon or whatever, be able to track down new models a bit more easily than the current situation.

Another thought.  For those that might want to maintain more direct  control over those models, that may have some models stashed somewhere in their own web spaces, but that wouldn't mind sharing the links, we could start (re)accumulating those links as well.  Some people update their models every so often, and they might be more comfortable just updating the model on their own web space, instead of working through a 'go between'.

There have been some awesome models bullt for SFC (and other games as well I'm sure via conversions and such) over the years, and it'd be nice to share those (from authors that still want to share their work) with our newer crowd.

A regularly maintained 'one stop shop' for the models that authors still want to share would be nice.  Certainly this forum does this t a degree, but weeding through all of the various posts can be tedious, especially when you end up clicking on dead links trying to track down various models...

A number of people have moved on from this game, but I still like giving it a spin every once in a while.  I wouldn't mind seeing someone take a renewed crack at it (Exeter is designing his own game, which isn't quite SFB->SFC, and CE is there of course, but trying to implement PA's, webs, etc. probably won't happen under the existing game), but in the meantime this is how I get my SFB fix.  I haven't went back to the grease pencil and mylar sheets overlaying the SSD's since...

Offline pbnight

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Yea I noticed a lot of the sites have gone down too.  Luckily a lot of the sites I had upload some models to I still had a copy of.  I like your idea but the problem is a lot of websites I have gone to don't allow files to be download or accessed unless its based on your website.  I was trying to work on a way around this but I didn't see anything that would do the job.   Any Ideas??????  lol my idea of cheap BTW is no cost HA HA HA :laugh:


Offline TheStressPuppy

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Just because someone has not posted in years does not mean he/she is not lurking around, and observing things from the background. Myself? I don't play SFC any more. Doesn't look, or play very well on my new rigs. I wish someone could create a "re-mastered" version of SFC2 as they did with Homeworld Remastered. I still model ships under the alias of "Major Stress" though I am not really into the modding scene any more. I just want to build ships. I take my sweet time building the ships, and I leave the modding to much better code monkeys than me ;) . I do have open blanket permissions on my past works. Since a vast majority of my models are VERY dated now (This includes the models i made for the SoA2 mod under the alias "Major Stress"). I only make exceptions to anything "new" I create for ST:Continuum (HW: Remastered mod) There you must contact me through Nathanius.

I was kind of shocked at the timing, but not really surprised that the old SFC/BC file hosting sites went down. If the money is not there to pay for the servers then the site goes bye bye.

There is an archive for the now offline File Front on Nexus Mods That now host most of the old Bridge Commander, and SFC3 files. This is the only one that i know of so far. Im sure there are others. Google is your friend.


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Most of my models are available at
They are in ms3d and OBJ and are available for conversion.

I might suggest at a model repository, designate a sticky thread, and have everyone interested upload their models to their own drop box, then post the links to each model in the thread.

Offline Panzergranate

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I'm still around to though spending more time in actual reality (as opposed to virtual reality) building and maintaining my collection of motorcycles plus riding them a lot more.

Since the Unelected EU Commisioners decided to ban all new 2 stroke motorcycles and sc**ters (I'm a card carrying biker so sc**ter is regarded as swearing) suddenly being seen owning and riding a classic 2 stroke motorcycle has (A) vastly increased kudos amongst fellow bikers and (B) sent prices skyrocketing by 1,000% of all 2 strome bikes in the UK and EU. I own 11 bikes and only one of them is a 4 stroke and that is one of only 48 that were made.

Meanwhile I still play SFC 1 a lot, though not in a group anymore, as we've moved onto Sword of the Stars and Men Of War Assault Squad 2 for session games.

I'm about to attempt to introduce my 15 year old nephew into playing SFC, though he's a Star Wars fan, so converting his perceptions of firepower from hocus pocus force "magic" and weak Turbo (??) Lasers to Phasers, Disrupters and Photons plus the horrors of being on the receiving end of a Gorn "Fly by" Plasma salvo will probally come as a shock to him. (My son Robert is looking forward to playing as the Gorns against him!!).

No new models here for a year now, though I've had some new inspirations.

We could do with a common place to share our models, scripts and mods which would be easy for those of use that can't be arsed or haven't the time to run a website alone. Somewhere where newbies can find stuff for GOG SFC 1, SFC 2, etc.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!