All shiplists by Taldren and Firesoul contain redundant, obsolete, underpowered, overpowered, and weird units in my opinion. But these shiplists are popular and most players don't mind seeing a fleet of three F-CAD's or three R-SPZ's. So I'm certainly in the minority in thinking that a lean uncluttered shiplist is preferable to an exhaustive one. The game itself isn't 100% SFB (no special sensors, no shock) and therefore doesn't need a bazillion SFB-based variants (scouts, monitors, modular ships, diplomatic vessels, LDR, WYN). But a lot of folks like having thousands of ships, bases, PFs...and they can have that with the OP+ 4.11 mod.
The 2.037 shiplist is fairly uncluttered.
"Reserve" units? Can you give an example? If they are useless, remove them. Unless you're doing multiplayer, customize the game however it makes sense to you.
The dynaverse missions can be written to spawn a specific ship or a specific variant or hull type. Most of them seem to draw a certain amount of BPV based on your fleet's BPV. If you have a battleship, the AI draws two or three battleships, even if the empire doesn't have resources to build a puny frigate. Once that mission is completed, those AI battleships vanish. The dynaverse is a simulation of a campaign simulation written a long time ago. It would surely be done differently today. No ships would be created out of thin air! A production schedule would be enabled and every unit would be accounted for in a modern interactive database.