Topic: Model Making for the Hydran War Of Liberation Y 13? to Y135  (Read 1844 times)

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Model Making for the Hydran War Of Liberation Y 13? to Y135
« on: August 25, 2016, 01:52:54 pm »
Reading through the History of the General War whilst waiting for SFC to load on my SFC dedicated gaming PC (An old Gateway P3 - 500) running Windows "Migraine Edition"), I noticed something that inspired me for a possible Hydran camapign / modelling exercise:

The Hydran War Of Liberation which ended in Y135, according to the ADB HotGW literature download background story, though it is down to speculation as to when it all kicked off. Presumably it was a rapid Blitzkrieg campaign utilising the then new Hydran warp speed capable fighter technology, which could possibly place the start of the war at SFB year Y132 to Y133(??).

Waged from the Hydran Old Colonies the war was to retake occupied territory from some even more distant previous war (more potential for future campaign and model making) from the then Klingon - Lyran Alliance.

As for ships involved on both sides, some existing SFB / SFC classes exist on both sides, though what are classed as old vessels by the General War, would have been new and recently deployed, such as the Klingon D6.

Most Klingon warships would have been in their basic unrebuilt (Ent D5) versions without upgrades and probally intermixed with a few classes that were obstelete / withdraw to Internal Security Fleet (ISF) service not in naval service by the outbreak of the General War.

As for the Lyrans, I have to cede expertese as to what and what was not in service from the stock SFB / SFC lineup before Y135.

Ships such as the Hydran Grenadier would have been involved in the campaign as it would have been an advanced design back then. As for other stock game warships, they may have existed but with weaponry technology downgrades.

Weaponry available:

Did Hellbores, ESG generators, etc. exist before Y135?? It would lead to some interesting SSD and ship designs. Obviously no Phaser 1 mounts.   

Fusion beam very likely as these are a crude weapon capable of any race with the knowledge to build H-Bombs.

Drones would be A types with low yield warheads and slow motors, with possible use also by the Lyrans and Hydrans replacing ESG and Hellbore mount spaces.

Only Hydans have fighters and Klingon - Lyran Alliance shuttles have no warp booster packs.

Engine power limits:

I'd propose that any CA class ship designed be limited to twin 12 box warp engines which would equate to a Warp 6 to Warp 7 capable starship and keep with the D6 being the best thing in the Klingon Imperial Navy since the self sharpening Bat'leth hit the market.

This restriction would also apply to any capital ships such as DN and BB classes of pre-General War designs which would most likely be old slow designs vamped up for lack of anything else suitable. They'd also most likely be unique one of a kind propaganda / prestige showboats for their respective races possibly at least 30 to 50 years old.

Ships available:

Some stock unrefitted SFB / SFC Hydran, Klingon and Lyran ships would cover the period, though they may have had different engine nachelles, weapons mounts, etc.

There is already a wealth of Klingon earlier designs already modeled online that would cover this period. However apart from the Hydran Grenadier model, zilcho when it comes to Hydran or Lyran ships that would fit the bill for the period.

So here's the challenge:

For the modellers amongst us to conjour up feasible and interesting ships to use in scenarios typical of the Hydran War Of Liberation.


The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!