Topic: sfc operating system compatibility  (Read 10197 times)

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Offline kayeldee

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sfc operating system compatibility
« on: May 31, 2016, 08:06:40 pm »
is sfc compatible to run on win10?

Offline Tumulorum Fossor

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Re: sfc operating system compatibility
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2016, 08:10:56 pm »
I JUST had success getting SFC OP working on my laptop tonight. No messing with compatibility modes EXCEPT for graphics "Reduced Color" and "16-bit" under StarFleetOP.exe's Properties>Compatibility>Settings tab. See below.

Following post pasted from thread,163394481.100.html

Okay BIG successes to report I think!
My laptop runs Win10 x86, with native desktop at 1920x1080 resolution.

Installing off the OP CD led to only seeing the graphic with the INSTALL button, which, when clicked, would cause the window to disappear showing the desktop but no install.

Using ISO had the same result.

Trying to copy files from the ISO to a folder on the laptop gave me the .cab files off the disk, but I was unable to expand them.

So, went to a different XP machine and installed OP from the CD, but chose a folder path to emulate what I wanted on my Win10 laptop: ( C:\User\[My name]\Documents\my games ). Incidental note: I did NOT install Gamespy Arcade stuff. This created the default folder substructure but in my Documents folder, ie C:\User\[My name]\Documents\my games\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates .

I copied that entire folder, folder tree and all (including appropriate subfolders), to a USB drive from the XP PC.

I THEN used regedit on the XP to find [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Taldren\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates]
"Directory"="C:\\Users\\[My name]\\Documents\\my games\\Taldren Software Inc.\\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates", which I selected, and in "File" menu, selected "Export" to save it as file "Starfleet Command Orion Pirates.reg". I copied THAT reg file onto the USB drive as well as the intact extracted folder tree from the SFC OP install.

I ejected the USB drive and brought it to the laptop.  I copied the "Users\[My name]\Documents\my games\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates" folder from the USB onto my laptop's C: drive, leaving the entire subfolder structure INTACT.

I copied the Starfleet Command Orion Pirates.reg file from USB onto my desktop. Double-clicked on it and OKAYED the installation of the entry into my registry of the Win10 laptop.

For the heck of it, I then ran StarFleetOP.exe to see what would happen. Lo and behold, I got a full screen but low res launch of SFC OP v2500.  I launched the first tutorial, and it was working... for about five minutes, then FROZE. Oh, well...

But I kept on.  I moved the downloaded and unzipped SFCOP 2500-2562.exe patch to the Starfleet Command Orion Pirates folder, ran it, and directed the patch upon the prompt to the proper directory.

i then ran StarFleetOP.exe one again. This time, I got an upper left corner black window on the desktop, and nothing else. No sound, images, or anything. I closed the process with Task Manager.

I THEN performed the 60fps adjustments to StarfleetOP.exe Properties>Compatibility Tab>Settings, ticked the Reduced Color box & set the pulldow bar to 16-bit color.
I also edited sfc.ini under the [3D] section to lowres=6, which corresponds to my desktop resolution as per:
lowres=3  (1366x768 or 1440x900)
lowres=5  (1600x900 or 1680x1050)
lowres=6  (1920x1080 or 1920x1200)

Then, expecting nothing, I clicked StarFleetOP.exe again and...
...OMG it works! I ran the same first tutorial, and kept it running for 10-15minutes without crash.

I still have to install firesoul OP4+.
Carlos, you using firesoul OP4+ with or without models?

And PAGING CAPTAIN ADAM! I need to get the improved space textures PLEASE!

I'm psyched that I THINK this got it working!

Excuse length of post, but I wanted to share, and hopefully get others going in the right direction.  Thanks, Carlos!!!!

PS - Not joking about Captain Adam.  I NEEDS those textures!!!!!

Carlos, I don't want to screw this up.  Where should I install the SFCOP 2562 Server (if I want to try to run one at SOME point...)?

Offline kayeldee

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Re: sfc operating system compatibility
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2016, 10:50:44 am »
ok, thanks for such a lengthy post, youve succeeded in confusing the hell out of me...nice and simple, what did you do yo make it work?

Offline Tumulorum Fossor

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Re: sfc operating system compatibility
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2016, 04:57:02 pm »
Install into Documents folder.
If unable to install off CD or ISO then install on an XP machine into a "C:\User\[My name]\Documents\my games\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates" folder and copy installed files onto your Win10 machine's document folder under exactly same folder setup.
Patch to 2562.
Change sfc.ini to your modern non-XP desktop resolution. For me it was 1920x1080 which is lowres=6.
Set StarfleetOP.exe to Reduced Color & 16-bit color via Properties>Compatibility Tab>Settings.
Optional: export Registry key from XP installation to the Win10 machine.

That should do it.