Yes, this program lets you host your own dynaverse services, and on top of that, your own gamespy services.
It is all packed into a single application. So, it serves 2 purposes:
1. You can host those services;
2. In the client side, you just need to insert the host's IP in the program, and it will set things up for you.
To speed things up, i added the option to enable or disable any port test made by the program (a service provided by dynaverse).
In a real or virtual LAN environment you dont need to setup any port. But remember, that in a public internet enviroment, you still need to redirect the ports used by DirectPlay (2300-2309, 47624), if you playing behind a router (for example), as it still is required by the version of the directX used in the games.
It features its own client and server lists, and provides a basic webserver service, so you can see which servers and clients are online. And provides its own motd service.
And works with SFC2EAW, SFCOP and SFC3!
Cool right?