You're welcome, TF.
I modified the bcascii22.fnt yesterday. I assume it's size 22. The one from months ago was bcascii16.fnt. The non-OCR fonts need to be presented as OCR fonts to appear near the reticle. This is done by pasting the OCR footer (32 bytes) to the end of the file.
4F 00 43 00 52 00 20 00 41 00 20 00 45 00 78 00 74 00 65 00 6E 00 64 00 65 00 64 00 00 00 00 00
Which is "O.C.R. .A. .E.x.t.e.n.d.e.d....." in readable characters.
The beginning of the file must be modified too.
** ** ** **
20 ** 00 00
02 00 00 00
0A C9 01 00The red stuff tricks the game into treating, for example, the bcascii22.fnt as a replacement for ocra10.fnt -- the default SFC reticle font.
The yellow byte, 0A, means ten in hexadecimal. The reticle demands a nominal size-10 font, but it doesn't care about the data that follows in the file. An oversize font is subsequently drawn without fuss. A size-22 font (16 in hex) can be drawn even if the header declares it to be size 10 (0A in hex).

The third part of this hack is to update the fonts.txt file:
; Following font has a typeface value of: (eTypeface)(_CustomTypeface + 6)
I gave my custom font the name tar22.fnt. The original ocra10.fnt and bcascii22.fnt are therefore not modified. Restoring the reticle should be easy -- just edit a text file...
Actually it isn't easy because the font assets are zipped without compression! So you have to work on an extracted archive. Then you build a new including the assets\fonts folders. You must use the "store" mode (which doesn't compress). The 7-zip utility works well for this. (The built-in zip capability in Windows 7 will automatically compress the assets and break them for SFC.) Then move that new to the OP\Assets folder.