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SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)

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Thanks very much for this Carlos. Here's hoping I can get to play with this during the holiday break. Appreciate the work that goes into this

I didnt felt well just by giving it the basic funcionalities.
So, today i added some code to handle the server lists: When they go live or leave, listen their heartbeats, and do a test, if they crashed, in case of a time without heartbeat's updates.
Tomorow will add both a whitelist and ban list mechanisn for it, that will accept new users, keep them away, or restrict their access. Basic user stuff...
Then i think i will have an alpha version for test, that will raise an exception in any unfamiliar circunstances.
The code is heavily multithreaded, so there is space for some need of debug.

Good work. The default directory service may soon be obsolete, replaced by a superior service. If only we had more than 2 players to test this stuff. Heh. Oh well.

It is not superior. But it works.

For your entertrainment, and first time in history: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiumJZOPROpbg9xqYVHLPcg37kOM6g

A working Gamespy and Directory services replacement, for your LAN campaigns, or any public server. It doesnt require any external service.
You just need 3 things to run any campaign now: A server, a client, and this program.
It was made during this month, in some couple hours of my free time. Enjoy.
There is a readme file in the zip. Cheers  8)

It is an alpha version. Please report any error you may find to my email.

2BB505: 1op // Are we using a custom server? (Yes 24, No 3C)
The option to change this with the SFC_Editor is grayed out.

Shouldn't that be...

2BB505: 1op // Are we using a custom server? (Yes 3C, No 18)?

The default 2.563 executable has a 18h byte at 0x2BB505.

18h is 24 in decimal. 1op uses hexadecimal. Not sure about that 3C.


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