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SFC Launcher (a dynaverse and gamespy's online services replacement)
Starfleet Command Launcher (c) D4v1ks, December 2016
Edit: 26 Dec 2016
A solution, in beta stage, was made available! :rockinband:
The program, currently compatible with SFCOP 2552/2563, SFC EAW 2036/2037, and SFC 1.01 build 534*, is capable to provide, to these game, all the online services they need.
It is a direct replacement of the current Dynaverse "directory\firewall" services, and the old "gamespy" services.
As such, you can run now any campaign in your own LAN, without any need of access to internet. But it also works in a virtual LAN environment (ex. EVOLVE parties), or as a public provider.
Check the posts bellow to know all the history and the releases already made.
Edit: 4 Jan 2017
The 3rd version of the Starfleet Command Launcher (v1.0.2) has been released!
It has been tested with:
SFC EAW 2036;
SFC OP 2552/2563;
SFC 3 v1.01 b534;
Includes readme files for both versions. 8)
>> Lastest version <<
Don't forget it is a beta version. It is meant to crash in any unknown circunstances.
Feel free to report anything or give sugestions.
FA Frey XC:
Awesome work!!! :)
You don't need to redirect any doors on the router, or similar devices.
You can run this solution in a real or virtual LAN enviroment.
Option 1 -> Running the combo through the Evolve LAN party system doesn't require any work at all.
You just create a party, invite the people to join it, and everyone will have access to the system. Just don't forget to update the files above (WONServerSetup.gf and ServersSetup.gf), so the game knows where to find the servers.
Option 2 -> SFC doesn't handle very well with multiples ethernet adapters!
In my home setup, for example, beside the real ethernet card adapter, i have the evolve's ethernet adapter + 2 virtual machines' ethernet adapters. So things got complicated for SFC. But there is two solutions for that:
1. Temporarily disable all the ethernet adapters you don't need. Just keep one active!
2. Or then set the ethernet adapters' priority rigth! So the game always use the one on top (the real ethernet adapter).
Have fun!
Hello all.
While working on one off my personnal projects, i discovered that the code that i wrote to handle the sockets events, in this emulator, had a small memory leak. So i took the opportunity to fix and update that piece of code.
After the update, i decided to try it at home, im my home lan, against my wife. But in that day my internet was down. So, i had no access to Qtracker. And, of course, i was not hable to do anything more...
And that let me upset, that limitation...
I sure had the potencial to do something more, when i decided to wrote this emulator...
So, for a place in the history records, i decided to take a look at this challange: how hard was this Gamespy issue to fix in SFC OP?
The answer was much easier that i thougth.
The solution toke 1 byte hexedit in the sfcop exe, and some extra code in the emulator.
I will release an update to this tool in the days ahead, after i get some free time.
The "directory services" and "Gamespy" emulator update.
(It is just a dozen of years late)
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