Topic: New Star Trek TV Series Teaser Trailer Released  (Read 14832 times)

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Offline EschelonOfJudgemnt

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series Teaser Trailer Released
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2016, 03:55:54 pm »
Saw another pic of that ship again.  Fugly, but then that's what some people said about the A-10.  I happen to think that the Warthog looks quite graceful really, in a lethal sort of way, but then I like B-25's too...

Anyways, posting to share the article I just saw on Ars.  Some interesting tidbits (as well as a belly shot of that ship...).

As someone had shared in one of the posts avove this one, the article mentions the series being set in the Prime timeline, not the Kelvin one (hopefully thay don't mess that one up too).  Not sure why a Klingon captain is included in the rundown of the main characters...

Offline Captain Spadaro

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series Teaser Trailer Released
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2016, 11:14:01 am »
Saw another pic of that ship again.  Fugly, but then that's what some people said about the A-10.  I happen to think that the Warthog looks quite graceful really, in a lethal sort of way, but then I like B-25's too...

Anyways, posting to share the article I just saw on Ars.  Some interesting tidbits (as well as a belly shot of that ship...).

As someone had shared in one of the posts avove this one, the article mentions the series being set in the Prime timeline, not the Kelvin one (hopefully thay don't mess that one up too).  Not sure why a Klingon captain is included in the rundown of the main characters...

You might want to see this.
"Don't try to be a great man; just be a man, and let history make its own judgments." - William Riker, quoting Zefram Cochrane, to Zefram Cochrane, Star Trek: First Contact

Offline Captain Spadaro

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series Teaser Trailer Released
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2016, 11:18:44 am »
From what I've seen now, both the ship and a picture I stumbled upon on twitter (which is ironic since I don't use twitter).  I now believe that this series is the reason Axanar drew so much fire.  This series seems to be set prior to the Cage, perhaps 30 to 40 years before, which would almost put it right in the Axanar time frame.  Obviously the Studio couldn't allow Axanar to be made if they were going to put something out that took place in the same time period.

The Ship looks like it belongs pre-Cage, and the twitter picture was a picture of the unfinished Command Chair.  Which to me looked like a cross between the NX Command Chair, and the Constitution Command Chair.  I've heard the theories about this ship being an older ship that was mothballed and re-activated in the 24th Century, and I don't buy it.  There's no crisis before the Dominion War that would have warranted dragging a 100 year old clunker out of Mothballs and attempting to modernize it.  The Federation even in the late 23rd century is a place where there is very little scarcity of resources to justify that line of thinking.

Re: Axanar

Has nothing at all to do with that.
"Don't try to be a great man; just be a man, and let history make its own judgments." - William Riker, quoting Zefram Cochrane, to Zefram Cochrane, Star Trek: First Contact

Offline EschelonOfJudgemnt

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series Teaser Trailer Released
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2016, 12:58:44 pm »
From what I've seen now, both the ship and a picture I stumbled upon on twitter (which is ironic since I don't use twitter).  I now believe that this series is the reason Axanar drew so much fire.  This series seems to be set prior to the Cage, perhaps 30 to 40 years before, which would almost put it right in the Axanar time frame.  Obviously the Studio couldn't allow Axanar to be made if they were going to put something out that took place in the same time period.

The Ship looks like it belongs pre-Cage, and the twitter picture was a picture of the unfinished Command Chair.  Which to me looked like a cross between the NX Command Chair, and the Constitution Command Chair.  I've heard the theories about this ship being an older ship that was mothballed and re-activated in the 24th Century, and I don't buy it.  There's no crisis before the Dominion War that would have warranted dragging a 100 year old clunker out of Mothballs and attempting to modernize it.  The Federation even in the late 23rd century is a place where there is very little scarcity of resources to justify that line of thinking.

Re: Axanar

Has nothing at all to do with that.

With all due respect, it has EVERYTHING to do with that.  CBS/Paramount is setting their new series in the same time frame that the Battle of Axanar/the Four Years War occurs, and in a number of people's opinion, they didn't want to have to deal with the comparison.  I wouldn't doubt at all if we see a Garth of Izar storyline in the new series, and I find it a bit more than suspicious that a Klingon Captain has been listed as a principal character in the new series (Kharn the Undying comes to mind)...

And the Star Trek franchise has a history of 'borrowing' ideas.  JMS pitched the idea of basing a series around a space station to Paramount  in the late 80s/early 90s, and at that time they didn't seem interested, but subsequently released DS9 concurrently with B5's the Gathering (the premiere episodes aired within a little over a month of each other).

BTW, I found the B5 characters more compelling.  Soooo many classic Kosh/Mollari/G'Kar/Sinclair/Sheridan/Ivanova/Garibaldi/Delenn/Lyta/Lennier/Vir/Franklin quotes come to mind.   At least the DS9 writers came up with some interesting characters, but yeah the baseline of that series looks very familiar (station at the edge of Federation Space vs. station at the edge of Earth Alliance Space, with multiple alien races coming and going in each series)...

But then, as they say, Hollywood has so few original ideas these days, and rely on the seven basic plots so extensively.

I liked DS9, but it doesn't compel me to re-watch it.  It doesn't help that CBS/Paramount command such premiums for the DVDs of the various series either.  Some of these series are decades old, marketing guys... price them accordingly and just maybe more people will buy/discover them!

Sure, CBS/Paramount have every right to control their copyright, but I find it interesting that they choose to do so now, when they have so much riding on the new series.  NOTE that all episodic fan made ST series have been effectively shut down, Axanar was simply the biggest target...  Way to treat your fans for propping up your IP during the lean times for the last 50 years CBS/Paramount!  Not to mention trying to keep the rest of us interested in your IP while you spoon feed the masses the Kelvin timeline...

While we don't know much yet, it's no accident that CBS/Paramount spokespeople are making a big deal about mentioning doing the new series in the 'Prime' timeline instead of the 'Kelvin' one.  Obviously someone has recognized that a number of Star Trek fans simply do not like the Kelvin timeline...

AGAIN, this whole power play by CBS/Parmount can be resolved very simply by licensing the fan efforts (as opposed to simply shutting them all down), and CBS/Paramount can make a few dollars in the process by allowing such licensees to profit share in said ventures (with CBS/Paramount getting a cut).  I have enjoyed Star Trek Continues, Aurora Trek, Star Trek: Of Gods and Men, and a number of other fan efforts, and would love to continue to do so.  It hasn't lessened my love for the original series, or the subsequent efforts for that matter (I'd love to see another season of Enterprise for example, but at this point the actors involved ares probably too old to pick up with that series where it left off). 

15 minute one-off vignettes don't interest me as much, as I enjoy watching actors portray their roles over an arc of episodes vs one offs.  But going forward that's all we will ever get (unless CBS/Paramount get the sticks out of their asses).  Too bad too - I was enjoying following the Aurora Trek episodes, and was looking forward to the another installment there, but that's dead now!  As are the other episodic efforts - at least ST Continues gets to  re-purpose their sets for a fan experience - small consolation prize for helping keep the fans interested in the original series/timeline.  Other efforts will not be so lucky.

Offline Captain Spadaro

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Re: New Star Trek TV Series Teaser Trailer Released
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2016, 01:14:27 pm »
From what I've seen now, both the ship and a picture I stumbled upon on twitter (which is ironic since I don't use twitter).  I now believe that this series is the reason Axanar drew so much fire.  This series seems to be set prior to the Cage, perhaps 30 to 40 years before, which would almost put it right in the Axanar time frame.  Obviously the Studio couldn't allow Axanar to be made if they were going to put something out that took place in the same time period.

The Ship looks like it belongs pre-Cage, and the twitter picture was a picture of the unfinished Command Chair.  Which to me looked like a cross between the NX Command Chair, and the Constitution Command Chair.  I've heard the theories about this ship being an older ship that was mothballed and re-activated in the 24th Century, and I don't buy it.  There's no crisis before the Dominion War that would have warranted dragging a 100 year old clunker out of Mothballs and attempting to modernize it.  The Federation even in the late 23rd century is a place where there is very little scarcity of resources to justify that line of thinking.

Re: Axanar

Has nothing at all to do with that.

With all due respect, it has EVERYTHING to do with that.  CBS/Paramount is setting their new series in the same time frame that the Battle of Axanar/the Four Years War occurs, and in a number of people's opinion, they didn't want to have to deal with the comparison.  I wouldn't doubt at all if we see a Garth of Izar storyline in the new series, and I find it a bit more than suspicious that a Klingon Captain has been listed as a principal character in the new series (Kharn the Undying comes to mind)...

And the Star Trek franchise has a history of 'borrowing' ideas.  JMS pitched the idea of basing a series around a space station to Paramount  in the late 80s/early 90s, and at that time they didn't seem interested, but subsequently released DS9 concurrently with B5's the Gathering (the premiere episodes aired within a little over a month of each other).

BTW, I found the B5 characters more compelling.  Soooo many classic Kosh/Mollari/G'Kar/Sinclair/Sheridan/Ivanova/Garibaldi/Delenn/Lyta/Lennier/Vir/Franklin quotes come to mind.   At least the DS9 writers came up with some interesting characters, but yeah the baseline of that series looks very familiar (station at the edge of Federation Space vs. station at the edge of Earth Alliance Space, with multiple alien races coming and going in each series)...

But then, as they say, Hollywood has so few original ideas these days, and rely on the seven basic plots so extensively.

I liked DS9, but it doesn't compel me to re-watch it.  It doesn't help that CBS/Paramount command such premiums for the DVDs of the various series either.  Some of these series are decades old, marketing guys... price them accordingly and just maybe more people will buy/discover them!

Sure, CBS/Paramount have every right to control their copyright, but I find it interesting that they choose to do so now, when they have so much riding on the new series.  NOTE that all episodic fan made ST series have been effectively shut down, Axanar was simply the biggest target...  Way to treat your fans for propping up your IP during the lean times for the last 50 years CBS/Paramount!  Not to mention trying to keep the rest of us interested in your IP while you spoon feed the masses the Kelvin timeline...

While we don't know much yet, it's no accident that CBS/Paramount spokespeople are making a big deal about mentioning doing the new series in the 'Prime' timeline instead of the 'Kelvin' one.  Obviously someone has recognized that a number of Star Trek fans simply do not like the Kelvin timeline...

AGAIN, this whole power play by CBS/Parmount can be resolved very simply by licensing the fan efforts (as opposed to simply shutting them all down), and CBS/Paramount can make a few dollars in the process by allowing such licensees to profit share in said ventures (with CBS/Paramount getting a cut).  I have enjoyed Star Trek Continues, Aurora Trek, Star Trek: Of Gods and Men, and a number of other fan efforts, and would love to continue to do so.  It hasn't lessened my love for the original series, or the subsequent efforts for that matter (I'd love to see another season of Enterprise for example, but at this point the actors involved ares probably too old to pick up with that series where it left off). 

15 minute one-off vignettes don't interest me as much, as I enjoy watching actors portray their roles over an arc of episodes vs one offs.  But going forward that's all we will ever get (unless CBS/Paramount get the sticks out of their asses).  Too bad too - I was enjoying following the Aurora Trek episodes, and was looking forward to the another installment there, but that's dead now!  As are the other episodic efforts - at least ST Continues gets to  re-purpose their sets for a fan experience - small consolation prize for helping keep the fans interested in the original series/timeline.  Other efforts will not be so lucky.

You really have no idea what you are talking about.


Public group for discussing the lawsuit.  Tell them I sent you.

I'll also direct you to Axamonitor  Plenty of info on why the suit was filed, as well as a timeline.

Also, the Four Years War IS NOT CANON.  It's from an FASA sourcebook that was published in the 80s for the RPG they did (and relies on info that was subsequently contradicted by the spin-offs and later movies).  Only reason it was used as a plot device in Prelude is because there is literally no canon info about it (the battle of Axanar) other than the fact it was a pivotal moment in Federation history (check the Memory Alpha article on Axanar if you do not believe me).

Continues isn't re-purposing their sets, New Voyages/Phase II is (Continues, at last report, is still checking with CBS regarding compliance).
« Last Edit: August 12, 2016, 01:39:58 pm by Captain Spadaro »
"Don't try to be a great man; just be a man, and let history make its own judgments." - William Riker, quoting Zefram Cochrane, to Zefram Cochrane, Star Trek: First Contact