(I find random women-hating to be pretty much a cliche around here, along with typos/bad English, but not surprising these days.
I'm not one of these guys that went off harping about Rey being so perfect in TFA. I liked River in Firefly. Ripley, from Alien, was a bad ass woman that deserved respect.
The problem is that I've had real life experience with fighting women. Young, beautiful, insane.... They're ferocious, but they're like fighting children. You can't simply hold them, because they bite. They'll gouge your eyes out if you attempt to hold them in a full nelson. Even though they are trying to kill you, all you can do is just push them away, until they get tired, but don't dare turn your back! I can't suspend disbelief when this childlike woman takes a punch from a man that would break me in half, and simply shakes it off.