Topic: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)  (Read 20193 times)

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Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2016, 11:35:08 pm »
Match 1: 120 Late Rocks Tus v Tar  (I-CL v L-CW)

Long match with lots of dancing.  I managed to get a good hit early on with two enveloping Gs after pulling out the decoy, took his shields down alot.  underloaded them to Fs and kept slinging when i could.  Tar got some internals through on my rear with dizzies, but I managed to avoid taking too many direct hits and completely avoided the ESG.  Widdled him down until i got a lucky H&R on his ESG, and then tractored and smashed.  Win Tus

Match 2:  175 Late Rocks Tus v Tar (I-CSZ v I-CAY) 

I took took the light w/ 2 ppd and 2 I, Tar took the bigger, meaner CAY.  I played very aggressive but failed to take out his last S prior to it smacking me hard.  Win Tar

Match 3:  85 Late Rocks Tus v Tar (F-FFG v R-BH)

Went in for a mean alpha, eating plaz on the noses.  Got my mine off and SP out, only to have the SP shot out by a probe.  Never recovered. Win Tar

Recorded. +2 Tus, +4 Tar

Tus's I-CL maneuvered to make my L-CW's ESGs useless. Good matchup.
If that probe missed the FFG's scatterpack, game over for the Battlehawk, no doubt. 

Offline Tus-XC

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2016, 12:57:01 am »
150 Mid Rocks Tus v Tar (I-CSP v G-CDD)

Quick match, attempted to get tricky with a HET, got some good PPD action in on the gorn, WW for an S, forgot to turn repel on, met rock - Win Tar

230 Late Neb Tus v Tar (I-CCZ v R-KHK)

Quick matchup, nebs are funky as i learned, espeically in CE where now my plaz can actually deal no damage.  Realized this to late and was pushed into a corner by the khk - Win Tar


This one went differently.  After learning the changes I fast charged Fs in my S launchers  and then let Tar chase me to about range 8-9.  This meant that instead of eating 1 torp a turn, I forced him to deal with 2 torps a turn.  ate up his PD quicker that way, got more in on his hull.  he eventually broke of pursuit and i brought my PPD back online, and then tore into him with that at range 15.  few more passes ended the KHK - Win Tus

115 Mid Black hole Tus v Tar (D-5s)

Mirror Match.  Early tide of the battle went to Tar, blowing through my rear shield early on and making me eat dizzies and phasers.  So i danced around the black hole, attempted to switch the flow with out much luck.  With Tar on my ass a second time, i put power into my forward , and turned on the tractor and HETed into him.  We both tractored each other and I don't recall breaking a shield on the first pass.  What did happen though was i went to OL and Tar decided he wanted to try to push me into the blackhole.  I kept him from pushing me quickly that way wiggled a bit, but was able to conitnually pound him with OL dizzies until he backed off.  I finally managed to get a few drones through and w/ he PD set to manual, managed to get 2 through to his hull.  Putting my green shields (LF, LR) toward him I kept the dizzy parade up (only 2 left) and widdled him down.  Wing Tus

150 Mid, Open Tus v Tar (R-KE, H-klinker?)

Fast match.  Wanted to trick him into dropping a ww, failed to keep my R in one piece.  lots of mines in play though... lots and lots of mines.  if only i had het a second time and tractored him... would have been funny.  as it was i ate alot of fusion and HB.  Win Tar


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Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2016, 01:53:20 am »
150 Mid Rocks Tus v Tar (I-CSP v G-CDD)

Quick match, attempted to get tricky with a HET, got some good PPD action in on the gorn, WW for an S, forgot to turn repel on, met rock - Win Tar

230 Late Neb Tus v Tar (I-CCZ v R-KHK)

Quick matchup, nebs are funky as i learned, espeically in CE where now my plaz can actually deal no damage.  Realized this too late and was pushed into a corner by the khk - Win Tar


This one went differently.  After learning the changes I fast charged Fs in my S launchers  and then let Tar chase me to about range 8-9.  This meant that instead of eating 1 torp a turn, I forced him to deal with 2 torps a turn.  ate up his PD quicker that way, got more in on his hull.  he eventually broke of pursuit and i brought my PPD back online, and then tore into him with that at range 15.  few more passes ended the KHK - Win Tus

115 Mid Black hole Tus v Tar (K-D5)

Mirror Match.  Early tide of the battle went to Tar, blowing through my rear shield early on and making me eat dizzies and phasers.  So i danced around the black hole, attempted to switch the flow with out much luck.  With Tar on my ass a second time, i put power into my forward , and turned on the tractor and HETed into him.  We both tractored each other and I don't recall breaking a shield on the first pass.  What did happen though was i went to OL and Tar decided he wanted to try to push me into the blackhole.  I kept him from pushing me quickly that way wiggled a bit, but was able to conitnually pound him with OL dizzies until he backed off.  I finally managed to get a few drones through and w/ he PD set to manual, managed to get 2 through to his hull.  Putting my green shields (LF, LR) toward him I kept the dizzy parade up (only 2 left) and widdled him down.  Win Tus

150 Mid, Open Tus v Tar (R-KE, H-D7H)

Fast match.  Wanted to trick him into dropping a ww, failed to keep my R in one piece.  lots of mines in play though... lots and lots of mines.  if only i had het a second time and tractored him... would have been funny.  as it was i ate alot of fusion and HB.  Win Tar

Recorded +4 Tus, +6 Tar


Tus wisely adjusted his Plasma arsenal to dump 2 F-torps every turn. No chance for an agressive Killerhawk unless the I-CCZ captain forgets about that red line in space. The KHK could decide to not chase, but then it would say hello to the PPD against thin red shields. Vexing...

Indecision wasn't good for my D5 in the mirror match. I should have gunned it to 30 if my intent was to push Tus's D5 into the whirlpool of death. Instead I got sliced apart by OL Dizzies, eventually withdrew, but couldn't thereafter deal more damage than I would receive in each volley. Good shield management by Tus kept his ship operational after substantial damage in our toe-to-toe. Fun battle.

Tus t-bombed my D7H, and away went a handful of my marines to sabotage the Plasma-R on the King Eagle. Turned the tide as my Anarchist was sitting in a minefield, soon to face an R-torp for 50 or 100 points. Ate an F-torp and some Ph-1's in exchange for an opportune range-zero OL Fusion strike against an uncloaked KE.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2016, 10:29:27 pm »
New Cycle

165 early open; Tar (F-CC) vs Tus (F-CC)
Tus started with some Proxies, I closed for an overload Phot strike at range 8, withdrew to rearm. Tus gained initiative for his range 3 Photon strike, I HET'ed to bring Phots to bear, the tbombs were deployed, heavy damage to both. Tar win

200 late rocks; Tar (H-OV) vs Tus (I-CCY)
Tus warmed up my Overlord with PPDs, and I retaliated with R10 Hellbores. Sent out the 5 Hornet.I's which got creamed by his shotgun torps. Kept firing Hellbores at mid range until two shields collapsed on CCY. Ate some Plasma on reinforced shields. Tus tried a HET, which failed and I closed in greedily with OL Fusions, but I didn't get there in time, eating a nasty Plas-S and getting nailed by marines. Win Tus

115 late rocks; Tar (Z-CM) vs Tus (R-K5L)
Tus kept high speed, lobbing Plas-G into reinforced shields. Z-CM just kept firing that 3xDizzy into rear shields. Lots of weaving through rocks as Tus drew slow missiles into roids and tried to use the rocks as shields. Z-CM fired Ph-1 and Dizzies twice at range 8 and dropped weasels for good exchanges. Win Tar

Recorded. +2 Tus, +4 Tar

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2016, 12:18:52 am »
115 late rocks; Tus (R-SKA) vs Tar(Z-CM)
Wondering if the SKA is better than the KFL, we tried this matchup. Tus lobbed Plas-F at my Z-CM, but the Kzinti could absorb the damage on side shields and retaliate with Dizzies on the SKA's tail. A couple WW's when needed and the Z-CM took its time, firing away with Disruptors. Got a good Hit&Run on the Skyhawk's last Plasma launcher. Win Tar

115 late rocks; Tus (I-CLGZ) vs Tar(R-SEL)
My turn to struggle at a weak point in BPV for Roms. My frigate tried chasing the much larger light cruiser and took Plas-I on side shields, trying to get close enough for Ph-1's to be effective. Tus wisely sent some energy into his aft shield to mitigate my 3 Ph-1's and pumped up the ECM. Then I tried the cloak to avoid Plas-I, which worked ok, but I wasn't doing more than 3 points of damage to the CLGZ. One last effort to corral Tus into a to range 2.9 but not close enough to tractor. Tus did an HET after outrunning my three Plasmas and whacked me with Ph-1. Win Tus

Recorded. +2 Tus, +2 Tar

Offline Tus-XC

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2016, 04:53:18 pm »
Yea, i think the only way rom frigates win at that BPV is if you limit the choices to frigates...

"Elige Sortem Tuam"

Offline TarMinyatur

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Get your Multiplayer competition here (aka Starlance)
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2016, 01:41:10 am »
115 late, rocks, Destroyer hull max; Tus (R-SKA) vs Tar (F-DWC)

The DWC missed with 2 of 3 OL Phots at range 8.9 or so, and ate the SKA's plasma as it cloaked. DWC flashed and grabbed the Rom, but the Fed's scatterpack was shot down. Skyhawk broke the tractor, kept up good speed, and lobbed plaz from range 10. DWC backed off to range 15 to eventually wear down the SKA's aft shield with the Ph-1 suite. SKA boosted ECM and cloaked. Lots of HETs to maintain positions...SKA got a bit roasted under the cloak but the DWC lost too much power in a twin Plas-F strike to use speed as a plasma defense thereafter. Win Tus

130 mid, open; Tus (R-SPA) vs Tar (G-CC)

Out-tonned, the Sparrowhawk invited the G-CC to chase. The Gorn obliged at speed 31 and absorbed Plas-F onto four side shields and took one on the front. The Rom took minor damage on its aft shield. It would have been certain death to continue in this manner, so the G-CC slowed to 25 and fired Ph1's at range 12 to 25 primarily on the SPA's aft shield, eventually knocking it down. The Rom accelerated but kept getting zapped through the downed shield. The cloak was activated, which led to low-speed walking in footsteps, tense maneuvering, several successful 85%+ HETS, as more damage accumulated on the SPA. The Gorn, in turn, got pounded by a volley of three close-range Plasmas that fortunately collapsed two weakened shields. But the G-CC's thick hull was resilient. The Gorn later landed 3 suicide shuttles on the Rom after it had weaseled, decloaked, and was presumably ready to fire two plasma. Long battle! Win Tar

Recorded. +2 Tus,  +2 Tar

Offline TarMinyatur

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Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2016, 01:09:53 pm »
165 Mid rocks: Tus (I-CAY) vs Tar (K-D7C)

Tus kept his speed up around 24 to avoid my staggered drone launches. Six Type-I's were on the map for most of the game but they were not relevant at speed 16. Tus fired the PPD, turned, and dumped PlaS as I chased. My visible  :) Dizzies did some damage on his #4 shield but I was taking too much damage from the exchange. The ISC could present strong shields when needed. I was able to hit&run the PPD, but it came at a high cost, since the CAY has 8 Ph-1s compared to the D7C's 3 Ph1. Tried in vain to push Tus into a rock, but was facing triple-green shields. Win Tus

165 Mid rocks: Tus (I-CAY) vs Tar (K-FD7)

Plenty of energy for the Klink to outrun Plaz. But it only has 2 Disruptors with FA arcs. Tus warmed up my #5 shield with PPD, then we exchanged Phaser volleys at range 6ish, taking our #2 shields nearly down. Fast Cruiser out ran the PlaS, then said hello to the PPD again in 30 seconds halving my #3 shield. I ate a PlaS to knock out the PPD via marines. But the CAY still has 2 PlaS, 8 Ph1 and a bunch of Ph3 padding to keep me honest. Win Tus

Recorded. Tus +4

Tus noted that the Klink has a maneuverability advantage...and perhaps that is the way to crack the CAY nut open. A failed HET by the ISC probably leads to a scatterpack lunch. But can the K-D7 endure the first HET, which is 100%? Then place 5 t-bombs for five volleys of 10 points? A challenging matchup... 

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2016, 05:23:07 pm »
Perhaps Tus can capture video. My laptop is not capable. The game's native film room has been disabled in CE.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 08:10:13 pm by TarMinyatur »

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2016, 06:03:12 pm »
Correction: The film room works in OP.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2016, 01:26:37 pm »
This thread will continue here.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2016, 06:35:40 pm »
Cycle 4 has started. Ends June 24th at midnight EDT.

Cycle 5 starts on June 25th and will run to July 31st. Thereafter cycles will coincide with the month.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 01:25:56 pm by TarMinyatur »

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: Multiplayer competition (aka Starlance)
« Reply #32 on: July 28, 2018, 03:47:59 pm »

I suppose the galaxy is completely at peace. No battles in years? lol.