Topic: We see you!  (Read 54005 times)

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Offline d4v1ks

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #60 on: April 03, 2016, 05:25:31 pm »
This is nothing new. I've seen this too many times to care anymore.
"But he isn't wearing anything at all!" (The Emperor's New Clothes)

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #61 on: April 03, 2016, 05:26:00 pm »
This thread needs some Nannerslug and Gow loving, somebody page them.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #62 on: April 03, 2016, 05:30:10 pm »
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 04:47:21 am by Captain Adam »

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #63 on: April 03, 2016, 05:31:02 pm »
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 04:47:39 am by Captain Adam »

Offline Corbomite

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #64 on: April 03, 2016, 05:37:58 pm »
This thread needs some Nannerslug and Gow loving, somebody page them.

Who want to be called a Nazi first?  :P

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #65 on: April 03, 2016, 06:19:31 pm »
Was I supposed to take your and Carlos' complete refusal to answer my PMs after awhile as an indication that I was a valuable part of the team?

Huh? I have responded to every PM I have received on Dynaverse, usually within hours. If you sent me a PM and I didn't respond, it's because it didn't arrive. The last one I remember was you shouting at me to, "TALK TO CARLOS NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!"

Offline Corbomite

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #66 on: April 03, 2016, 06:29:23 pm »
Was I supposed to take your and Carlos' complete refusal to answer my PMs after awhile as an indication that I was a valuable part of the team?

Huh? I have responded to every PM I have received on Dynaverse, usually within hours. If you sent me a PM and I didn't respond, it's because it didn't arrive. The last one I remember was you shouting at me to, "TALK TO CARLOS NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!"

We had a lengthy discussion about captor mines going. I sent you a long one about how I thought I had solved it with a PPD trick. That was weeks ago.

Carlos ignored at least half a dozen of my messages. I stopped bothering to try to talk to him weeks ago as well.

Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #67 on: April 03, 2016, 06:35:59 pm »
Oh, yeah, and when you tell people to trust you, yet twice surreptitiously place your own phaser modification in a "patch" without telling people that basically tells me what you think of others' play enjoyment and the over importance of your own ideas to you.

Huh? OP 2.562 has Ph-3 limited to range 2.99k? I restored that to 15.99k.


Corb, you're right. It didn't get updated. If there is ever a 2.563, it can be altered. Out of a few thousand variables this one was not vanilla. I'm not perfect in my QC. 

Offline Fallen_Warrior

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #68 on: April 03, 2016, 06:42:34 pm »
You know, if you people are going to leave just shut up and do it already. There's no need to piss all over the place just because you have a dispute with certain parties here. The fact is that this place has been provided to you FREE OF CHARGE for years. If you can't even respect that on your way out then at least don't try to burn things down just because you're not getting enough attention.

Projection much there Corb?
I don't have a dispute with anyone here, even if you have accused me of been an attention seeking child before I don't care what your opinion of me is. As in regards to this thread it is irrelevant.
My points are valid and no one has yet to provide anything close to a counter argument to them. In fact I am seeing more and more proof that they are valid.

As for my leaving, You will have to ban me before I leave. Which would be difficult as I have broken none of the forum rules. As I have no intention of leaving. I just wanted to get answers to some very pressing questions. Questions that would involve my working in the dark about a project that even the person doing all the work could not answer. Should I hold you to the same standard as everyone else and consider what your saying as bullying? No I won't because it is clear you have no social skills.

This forum has been my home since it was Taldren. Your petty insults will not push me out. I love this place, the community and the games they support.
Been heard by the management is not attention seeking it is trying to be rational and raise awareness do get a deeper understanding of the situation. Then maybe find a solution that all sides can be happy with.

I do find it amusing that you expect the Moderators to read everything as if we were full time paid pros.  I also find it amusing that you think that things will be better in Punishers "unmoderated" forums than here where you want more moderation.  Seems like a conflict.

No I expect that people who volunteer to do a job, do that job to the best of their abilities.
Reading a handful of posts each day is not exactly hard work. Again stop proving my point at your inability to do the job I assume you requested to do. If you were a full time pro, you wouldn't have been hired due to low bandwidth and the inability to monitor threads that have pictures in them. Not to mention your nonchalant attitude and bias in dealing with members attempting to bully others into silence!
Yes I've been harsh with you but only because you help me prove my points. I have no ill will towards you in the slightest.
Remember offence is never given only taken. You have something quoted by FoaS that speaks to the same truth. Within your signature.
As for the Punisher's forum been unmoderated... That's really funny as there are currently moderators there, Four of them are people within this thread they were made moderators upon a simple single request and that was delivered within only a few hours of asking. So get your facts straight before you make accusations about things you clearly know nothing about. And going by that last point there is no conflict.

I personally try to avoid anything with the term "dumb sh*t" in the title, but it's your choice to make.

Do you always jump to insults when someone says something you don't like? Or is it just your nature to be a bully? Why haven't any moderators watching this thread addressed that? Or are you so bias that you will side with the person acting inappropriately than stand up for the ideals you claim to ascribe too?

The dynamics of the situation were explained to you at length in PMs. If you decide not to take the only avenue available to you that has a glimmer of a chance of succeeding, then don't take it out on the community. You were given the tools and instructions on how to speak to Frey in person and you choose instead to beat up on poor Strat. And yes this is a business and not a hobby and there are things you do not know that others are not allowed to talk about, so again, take your fight to Frey. I don't care and don't want to hear about how he blew you off or skipped a meeting. He does it to everyone. Get used to it if you want to deal with the person that can give you what you claim you want. It took me two over friggin' months just to get you the chance you just blew so don't talk to me about wasting time.

Now I completely agree with all of your gripes about the way this place has fallen into ruin and I have spoken directly to Frey about it. There are reasons that we can't get more admins here right now, but new moderators are not out of the question. This is low on Frey's priority list right now and since there aren't any more admins around... I'm sorry about that. There is one more thing I might try there, but honestly, why should I? You've all shown your mercenary streak at one point or another. I don't feel obligated to do a damn thing.

What PM? Where is it? I have received precisely Jack and Sh!t from anyone about these issues. I've signed my NDA and been given nothing in return except all this hatred.

No one took anything out on the community, quite the opposite active members of the community (the ones doing the most of the recent work) have been stone walled, insulted, and brow beaten by you personally, because you disagree with them. Just look at what you have already said as proof of you jumping the gun and going from reasonable to full on rage in a heart beat.

Yes the tools I have to contact Frey, I have him on skype and he refuses to reply. I have posted here several times that Frey could just make a short comment or anything to help stop the community from fracturing further. To defuse this before it got to the point where you feel you can insult anyone and have the moderators not point out your hypocrisy. But as you have provided he is extremely unreliable. Yet spends a good 2 hours a day lurking in the shadows refusing to comment on anything. Also if this DGA is so blasted important when where the hell are they?

The only reason why I said what I said to "poor" Strat because he provided nothing except his own perceived martyrdom as a way of stone walling this discussion. Simple as.

If you would drop your grudges with people and explain that you were talking to Frey over the way everything is falling apart, instead of just attacking people you wouldn't be getting called out on it now. If you feel the same way about how things are falling apart you could have shared those opinions with the rest of us but you didn't you went on the offensive.

So Frey thinks that the community is a low priority? That adding a couple more moderators is not worth his time? Answering some questions about the projects he is over seeing are beneath him? My points are even more valid now than when I first raised them.

If you honestly gave a damn you would exhaust every possible option before giving up.

Instead of playing it cool, you decided to piss gasoline and light a match.

Asking questions is playing it cool. Getting all in a huff because someone disagrees with you is exactly what you have accused others of when saying we want to see Dyna Burn.

So could we all stop getting our panties in a collective twist? Stop attacking each other? As things will not get better.

We will be the ones destroying the community that each and every single person (Bar Frey it seems) In this thread has clearly demonstrated by their passion. It won't be because the management doesn't care, it will be because we have pissed each other off so much that nothing good can ever come out of here but more vitriol. And none of us will have a community we can have pride in. Nor the ability to work together to better the games we all love so very much.
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Offline Corbomite

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #69 on: April 03, 2016, 07:01:08 pm »
I told you to shut up and leave already because that's what you said you would do. Nobody asked anybody to leave. Several of you wanted to go elsewhere. No one was stopping you. I just thought it should have been done more gracefully.

As far as social skills, I know your are considered "disabled", but I have seen you heap scorn on anyone that doesn't give you what you like just the way you like it. I tried to help you and you bit my hand. You made me agree never to engage you again and I followed through and didn't, yet I was never given the same consideration, especially when you thought I might have something you wanted (there's that non-existent mercenary streak again!). Then I was your best friend all of a sudden.

Offline Javora

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #70 on: April 03, 2016, 07:13:08 pm »
We have two coders who are willing to pick up where Strat left off.  While we don't always agree, this is the first real chance to move SFC forward in years.  So do we want SFC to forward or not?  If not then we might as well close this place down as much as I hate to say it.  Tar and company can continue as they have been.

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #71 on: April 03, 2016, 07:19:01 pm »
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 04:48:02 am by Captain Adam »

Offline Fallen_Warrior

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #72 on: April 03, 2016, 07:33:55 pm »
I told you to shut up and leave already because that's what you said you would do. Nobody asked anybody to leave. Several of you wanted to go elsewhere. No one was stopping you. I just thought it should have been done more gracefully.

As far as social skills, I know your are considered "disabled", but I have seen you heap scorn on anyone that doesn't give you what you like just the way you like it. I tried to help you and you bit my hand. You made me agree never to engage you again and I followed through and didn't, yet I was never given the same consideration, especially when you thought I might have something you wanted (there's that non-existent mercenary streak again!). Then I was your best friend all of a sudden.

Funny I just read through every post I made in this thread. I never mentioned leaving. Just setting up shop in a different forum as things here turn so sour. Way to make more assumptions. Your the one that told us to leave... Do you want me to quote you or are you able to read the posts you've made? or will you delete them like you did last time?

As for the previous thread I asked a question and gave examples and you treated me like a child because I didn't use all the terminology that you use. Because I don't mod EAW or OP, that I am not worth your time. Or because I hadn't released anything recently means that I don't have the right to ask questions.

As for biting your hand. Don't flatter yourself.
I stated that I wasn't aware that asking such a question would cause so much grief and that I had gotten the information I required. Then requested that the thread be locked/deleted because it was no longer needed. (Again proof that moderators don't read anything)

Then when you decided to go full autistic on me. Which I find really ironic as I am the autistic one. So I told you not to respond to my threads if that was your attitude. Is that the scorn you are referring too?
If that is your interpretation of things then yes you do have a complete lack of social skills.

As for been your best friend when asking you to share your knowledge publicly so it could be applied to other games. That is not been your best buddy that is my asking a simple fecking question. So again keep dreaming.

As for my been disabled... Yes I am big deal! What does that have to do with anything mentioned in this thread? Are you really going to discriminate against me and my disabilities as an attempt to use them as a weapon against me? I've dealt with people like you all my life, telling me that I'm not good enough or I won't be able to accomplish anything. hence my calling you a bully.
As that's all you are a sad pathetic bully. Someone who wants to be important and makes up for their own short comings by attacking others. Go look in the mirror and take a good hard look at what you are saying before you even dare attempt to reply. You petty intolerant child!

And yes I am very aware that I have crossed a line in personally insulting you and for that the Moderators can come and speak to me directly. My skype Address is I welcome anything you have to say to me.

Is that enough "Mercenary" tactics for you? Or do you want to give me another lesson in how to act like one?
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Offline Corbomite

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #73 on: April 03, 2016, 07:39:53 pm »

Offline Fallen_Warrior

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #74 on: April 03, 2016, 07:41:13 pm »
So be it! Keep proving how childish you are.
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Offline TarMinyatur

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #75 on: April 03, 2016, 08:04:37 pm »
Your hand grenade clip made me laugh, Corbomite. Thanks. I needed some levity.

You folks are an extended family. And it gets crazy sometimes. I will head for the hills of another forum because I'll be needlessly repeating myself here. I have made my points, and it is time to go. The video game  work will continue, until I run out of money this summer and have to create my own employment again. The fantasy world of Starfleet Command and is annoying and amusing at the same time. But so is City Hall when they tell you to tear down your house because it is not a permitted structure, yet it is expressly exempt from permits because of its size. I wish I could fire a Hellbore at the Zoning Board. It'll all be fine.

Long live SFC, regardless of where it is played and discussed.

Offline Fallen_Warrior

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #76 on: April 03, 2016, 08:11:09 pm »
Your hand grenade clip made me laugh, Corbomite. Thanks. I needed some levity.

You folks are an extended family. And it gets crazy sometimes. I will head for the hills of another forum because I'll be needlessly repeating myself here. I have made my points, and it is time to go. The video game  work will continue, until I run out of money this summer and have to create my own employment again. The fantasy world of Starfleet Command and is annoying and amusing at the same time. But so is City Hall when they tell you to tear down your house because it is not a permitted structure, yet it is expressly exempt from permits because of its size. I wish I could fire a Hellbore at the Zoning Board. It'll all be fine.

Long live SFC, regardless of where it is played and discussed.

Not going to lie that hand grenade gif made me chuckle as well. In real life I can't throw anything to save my life, but now I can take planes out of the air without even looking. I'm flattered that I'm considered to have enough skill. And your right Everything has been said from the side of the community.

The ball is well and truly in managements side. lets just hope that something good can come out of this flame storm
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #77 on: April 03, 2016, 08:43:16 pm »
This thread needs some Nannerslug and Gow loving, somebody page them.

You mellowing in your old age DH? not Dizzy and Brezgonne loving?

At least you are still drawn to flames like a moth.

Offline Captain Adam

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #78 on: April 03, 2016, 08:45:39 pm »
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 04:48:20 am by Captain Adam »

Offline Javora

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Re: We see you!
« Reply #79 on: April 03, 2016, 09:02:56 pm »
At least you are still drawn to flames like a moth.

Look whose talking...  lol