I run windows 10 ,Gmax,photoshop cs2 I think it is and Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro
Gmax does have a habit of crashing does it too me all the time I think its gmax its self running on newer versions of windows
just make sure to save all the time with it
I do all my textures,retextures with photoshop
basic mapping in gmax then move over to Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro for the rest of the mapping
and texturing as I can see the uv maps and move the mesh parts around to map the model better
Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro I can export in few formats which makes life a lot easyer sometimes
plus its got a lot of plugins for models from other games makes porting easyer just case of working out
how to get at the game files
on a Borg note
was missing around earlier and used the enterprise era borg cube paste and copy its 2 times moving it around add
other plain cube inside gives the depth we was after but it come in at 60k
but it does give me a few more ideas