Topic: transporter  (Read 1774 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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« on: March 10, 2016, 07:50:29 am »
I watch a video on YouTube about the transporter and it make you wonder about it.

Its funny and just wondering are you you or a copy of you?


Offline TAnimaL

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Re: transporter
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2016, 08:31:26 am »
Funny but smart video (I like the animation particularly) but... like other times this is brought up, it falls back into a solipsistic/cognative dissonance  conclusion, although probably in part to end on a funnier "sleep is death" conclusion.  Like it points out, we're constantly replacing our bodies, and, since what can be measured is what can be measured, "a difference that makes no difference is nae difference at all."  That quote is from Scotty, in the early early ST novel "Spock Must Die" by James Blish, when McCoy brings up this exact issue, and that question forms one of the themes of the book, after the transporter creates two Spocks. At the very end, when the question is repeated, Spock's reply is along the lines of, since a soul/consciousness can't be directly measured, there's no way to scientifically testing that hypothesis and it's a philosophical question in nature.

Which is still a valid question, but just one that has no answer.  As far as the genocidal nature of this suicide box version of the transporter - since matter cannot be destroyed, and there is no body/discarded matter stream, there is no desturction/elimination, and habeas corpus, there is no "murder/suicide."  Whether the copy is you or now, well, ask one of the angels danciing on the head of a pin.